Statuts et textes de lois
Circular No. 13: Announcing the acceptance of applications for research support on COVID-19

In contribution to the efforts made at the national and global levels to fight COVID-19 pandemic, the Research and Development Office (R&D) at the Lebanese University announces the acceptance of applications to support research projects and theoretical and practical studies from all teaching staff members in axes focused on confronting the pandemic, including:

  1. Developing clearly relevant technology to fight COVID-19, including diagnostic, therapeutic, and bioinformatics tools or any work that facilitates and supports such developments.
  2. Collecting and sharing samples and data in order to facilitate clinical, selective and epidemiological research on COVID-19.
  3. Developing informational applications.
  4. Studying the social, psychological and economic impacts of this pandemic.

The program aims to support Lebanese University researchers and encourage them to submit proposals and innovations that would give practical and sustainable solutions to fight Coronavirus, or contribute to limiting its spread and mitigating its societal impacts at all levels (health, industrial, economic, social, etc.).

The program provides the project requirements in terms of operational needs, consumables and small equipment, in addition to the cost of labor to be used and the cost of using joint research services platforms.

Professors wishing to submit a research project application should prepare a file according to the form published on the website and send it by e-mail to: within a deadline ending on 30 April 2020.

Decisions regarding funding for project proposals will be made shortly after the deadline and projects are to begin as soon as possible.

Based on this circular, the university only supports projects whose implementation period does not exceed a maximum of six months.


Researchers with ongoing research contracts are eligible to apply due to the exceptional status of this circular.

Researchers should fill out the form attached to the application related to obtaining permission from the Central Committee for Ethics in Life Sciences and Medical Professions and its Technology (IRB) in one of the three languages: Arabic, French or English.

Exceptionally, researchers applying for support requests are exempt from the requirement to obtain the approval of the scientific committee and the Faculty Dean, provided that the R&D Office subsequently informs the deans of the research accepted in their faculties.

Research Project Support Application

Ethics Committee Permission Request Form

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