Professor -
PhD -
French Language & Literature -
Comparative French Literature
Born in Nabatieh, 1981
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in French Language & Literature from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) in 2008;
- Diploma in Teaching French for Specialized Tracks (DDIFOS) from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Paris in 2008;
- Diploma of Advanced French Language (C1) from the French Cultural Center in Beirut in 2009;
- Master in French Language & Literature from Saint Joseph University of Beirut in 2005;
- Bachelor in French Language & Literature from the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University in 2002.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Science in 2008 and the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences of the Lebanese University in 2009;
- Holder of the rank of Professor in 2019;
- Representative of the teaching staff at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences in the University Council since 2019;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Research & Studies Center at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences of the Lebanese University since 2019;
- Member of the Center for Research & Studies (CRESH) at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences since 2018;
- Member of the study committee for projects of master theses in the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences since 2017, and member of the discussion committees since 2014;
- Representative of the teaching staff in the Council of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 5) between 2017-2019;
- Member of the Council of Delegates of the Association of Full-time Professors at the Lebanese University between 2016-2018;
- Member of the Equivalency Committee of the Department of French Language at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences between 2015-2017;
- Participated in the preparation of educational topics for the French language in the Office of Language Coordination at the Lebanese University with the support of the French Embassy in 2008;
- Former lecturer in the Lebanese International University (LIU) and the Islamic University of Lebanon (IUL);
- Author of articles published in French in local and international magazines on education, Lebanese and Arab society, convergence and dialogue.