Faculty of Dental Medicine

Faculty of Dental Medicine

The FDM celebrates the graduation of its class for the academic year 2022-2023



Faculty of Dental Medicine

The Faculty of Dental Medicine at the Lebanese University was established in 1983 as a branch of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, then became independent as a private faculty on 6 April 1999, the date of its establishment decree.

Due to the security events that Lebanon went through, the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Beirut was divided into Branches 1 and 2 between 1986 and 1996, which were directly under the deanship of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and managed by a director or coordinator.



The Faculty of Dental Medicine aims to prepare students in the field of dentistry through the following:

  • Prepare and develop academic and clinical programs based on the science of evidence and critical thinking.
  • Ensure an administrative and academic culture in accordance with quality standards.
  • Promote scientific research and continuing education.
  • Help raising the level of health and preventive education in the Lebanese society.



The Faculty of Dental Medicine aims to distinguish itself in the preparation of specialists (generalists) in the field of dentistry in Lebanon in accordance with the highest international standards to ensure their integration into the international recognized societies accreditation ranks.

As part of its relationship with its community, the faculty has clinics and laboratories that provide treatment and counseling services to citizens at nominal prices.



The faculty aims to:

  • Improve academic programs through an annual review based on course evaluation.
  • Foster a learning environment that encourages innovation and continuous improvement by publishing dozens of articles annually
  • Emphasize competence in curriculum standards.
  • Encourage an environment of education and purpose that enhances critical thinking and prepares graduates to become lifelong learning enthusiasts.
  • Simplify the academic accreditation process, in particular with regard to the essential criteria for evaluating the quality of educational programs.
  • Master's program requires students to attend weekly literature review sessions.


The faculty grants the following certificates:

  • Diploma in Dental Surgeon


  • Specialized Master in:
  1. Orthodontics
  2. Prosthesis
  3. Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry and Endodontics
  4. Pediatric Dentistry and Public and Community Dental Health
  5. Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Radiology
  6. Periodontology
  7. Oral Surgery
  8. Forensic Dentistry - Anthropology & Human Identity Definition


  • Doctor of Dental Medicine (available only to professors of the Faculty of Dental Medicine)

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Rafic Hariri University Campus, Hadath

Phone No.:

(+961) 5 463 514


(+961) 5 463 512