The University

Welcome Message

Dear students,

I hope that this new space will provide you with lots of information about our university, which is always seeking, despite all circumstances, to be by your side and support you, students and graduates, so that you can bring about positive change within society.

Establishing a leadership culture

The Lebanese University believes in its students and is proud of them

The Lebanese University, in partnership with local and international organizations, seeks to establish a culture of leadership and innovation, adopting new educational methods based on digital and interactive technologies and encouraging the exchange of experience to keep pace with the global digital revolution.

The Lebanese University believes in its students and is proud of them in their quest for success, wherever they may be. It will remain faithful to their ambitions and spare no effort to provide them with all resources they need to achieve excellence and prosperity.

Dear colleagues,


You bear a responsibility the size of a nation, which boils down to the mission of preparing graduates capable of managing the affairs of society and the country in the most reliable, scientific and advanced way.

Your presence in this space will have a significant impact on our university ranking and assessment of its degree of international openness, its scientific and research relations, and its effective communication with international academic and scientific institutions.

In conclusion, the only option open to us is to aspire to a future full of possibilities for the benefit of our country and its people.


Bassam Badran