Professor -
PhD -
Political Science -
Public International Law
Born in Beirut, 1958
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Public International Law from Saint Petersburg University in 1989;
- Master in Public International Law from Saint Petersburg University in 1986;
- Bachelor in Political Science from the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences at the Lebanese University in 1983;
- Diploma in Intellectual Property from WIPO Academy and University of Turin in Italy in 2000.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences (Branch 4) in 1989;
- Head of the Public Law Department at the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences (Branch 4) since 2017;
- Head of the Human Rights Department at the Studies & Research Center of the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences since 2016;
- Dean of the Faculty of Tourism & Hospitality Management at the Lebanese University between 2005-2011;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of +50 master theses and PhD dissertations at the Lebanese University, Beirut Arab University and the Center for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies (CEDS) in Paris;
- Professor of Public International Law and International Crisis Management at the Command and Staff College - the Lebanese Army since 1992;
- Visiting Professor at the Center for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies (CEDS) in Paris since 2009;
- Author of books, research and articles, and participated in several international workshops and conferences on international law, intellectual property rights and cultural communication in the world.