Chapter I: General Provisions
Article 1
The Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University consists of the following five academic departments:
- Department of Pure Mathematics.
- Department of Applied Mathematics.
- Department of Physical Sciences.
- Department of Chemical Sciences.
- Department of Natural Sciences.
Article 2
Each of the above-mentioned departments supervises the affairs of teaching the subjects indicated in the following:
- Department of Pure Mathematics: Pure mathematics courses.
- Department of Applied Mathematics: Statistics and Informatics courses.
- Department of Physical Sciences: General Physics and Electronics.
- Department of Chemical Sciences: General Chemistry and Biochemistry courses.
- Department of Natural Sciences: Zoology, Botany and Earth Science courses.
Article 3
The Faculty of Science prepares its students for the following degrees:
- Bachelor of Teaching.
- Postgraduate Diploma.
- PhD.
Article 4
The above-mentioned bachelor's degree is prepared in two semesters, each of which has a statutory duration of two university years.
Article 5
Pass or fail in each of the two years of the first cycle is decided on the basis of the year system.
The second cycle follows the credit system.
Article 6
The Bachelor's degree referred to in Article 3 above is granted in the following majors:
- Pure Mathematics.
- Statistics.
- Informatics.
- General Physics.
- Electronics.
- General Chemistry.
- Life Chemistry.
- Zoology.
- Botany.
- Earth Science.
Article 7
Each major in the Bachelor's degree is based on the first cycle outlined below:
- Bachelor Teaching Degree in Pure Mathematics: Pure Mathematics First Cycle.
- Bachelor Teaching Degree in Statistics or Informatics: A joint first cycle for statistics and informatics.
- Bachelor's degree in General Physics, or Electronics: A joint first cycle for general physics and electronics.
- Bachelor's degree in General Chemistry, or Biochemistry: A joint first cycle of general chemistry and biochemistry.
- Bachelor's degree in Zoology, Botany, or Earth Science: A joint first cycle of zoology, botany, and earth science.
Article 8
The postgraduate and doctoral diploma system is determined by a subsequent decree.
Article 9
The equivalence between credits and academic years, when a student is promoted or affiliated, shall be decided by a decision of the Faculty Council.
Article 10
Texts that contradict the provisions of this decree or are inconsistent with its content, especially those contained in Decree No. 2883 dated 16 December 1959, shall be repealed.
Article 11
This decree shall be published and communicated where needed.
Baabda, 12 January 1983
Signed: Amine Gemayel
Issued by the President of the Republic