Based on the decision No. 3 of 5 January 2021 of the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, on the approval of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister to impose a period of general closure in accordance with the recommendation of the Ministerial Committee on COVID-19 from Thursday, 7 January 2021 until Monday, 1 February 2021,
Whereas this decision aims to impose a general closure period in order to limit COVID-19 outbreak,
Whereas public institutions have been exempted according to the necessity of their work with a presence not exceeding 25%,
Whereas several students, professors and employees have been infected after coming into contact with other cases during the vacations, the Presidency has made it imperative to respect the general closure measures in accordance with the decision of the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers,
In order to preserve the interest of the Lebanese University, its students and employees, and in the implementation of the general closure measures, the members of the Lebanese University are required to respect the following:
- Professors, employees and students who have come into contact with other cases and who have tested positive shall inform their Faculty Dean, their Branch Director, their general secretary or their common administrative department, specifying the date on which they were infected and their telephone number. Deans shall submit a daily report to the President on the cases and their status.
- All administrative procedures carried out by the students, pending at the Central Administration or the faculties, branches and centers, are carried out, provided that the students are contacted, given their documents or informed of their status. All financial transactions and administrative procedures are also carried out, including monthly financial transactions to pay allowances, salaries and fees.
- The above-mentioned procedure shall be carried out from 11 January 2021 until 14 January 2021, in strict compliance with the preventive measures.
From the morning of Friday, 15 January 2021, the decision of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers will be executed until the end of the closure period specified in this decision. During this period, the academic and administrative work will continue remotely, hoping that the confinement measures will be respected throughout this period.
- The work shall continue as usual in the Molecular Biology Laboratories of the Faculty of Science at the Rafik Hariri University Compound - Hadath, and in the Health and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory in Tripoli.
- The two contracting companies in charge of the management and operation of the Rafik Hariri University Compound - Hadath and the North Lebanon University Campus shall continue their activities as usual, provided that they strictly abide by the preventive measures.
- Administrative Circular No. 2 dated 5 January 2021 is suspended.
Beirut, 11 January 2021
President of the Lebanese University
Fouad Ayoub