Whereas, the Center for Research and Studies in Legal Informatics at the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences at the Lebanese University is organizing, in cooperation with the General Directorate of General Security, workshops on "eLearning & Cyber Risk Awareness".
In order to allow for the remote participation of teaching staff and students in the launching ceremony on Wednesday 9 December 2020 at 10:00 AM and in the weekly workshops, all faculties, branches and centers of the Lebanese University are required to suspend classes according to the announced program (attached), and the specific timing for each workshop and district.
Those wishing to participate are required to adhere to the specified dates and register before the deadline for each faculty and branch by districts at the following link:
Link : https://tinyurl.com/y6empz3w Code: tm38wyv |
Teams |
https://zoom.us/j/91660460945?pwd=QWlLVmRNNlVURkFRbHYzY1UvTk8zUT09 Meeting ID: 916 6046 0945 Passcode: 123888 |
Zoom |
Beirut, 7 December 2020
President of the Lebanese University
Fouad Ayoub