Based on Law No. 75/67 dated 26/12/1967 amended pursuant to Law No. 66 of 4 March 2009 (Organizing Academic Councils at the Lebanese University), namely Article 78 thereof,
The deans of university faculties are required to send a call to suggest lists of candidates for nominating university branch directors, in the branches where director terms are ending on 1 February 2021, and in branches with acting directors.
The following principles stipulated in this circular shall be applied:
First: Sending invitation
- The Faculty Dean, within two days of being notified of this circular, addresses the invitation to run for the position of Branch Director, and the candidacy period is mentioned in the invitation.
- This invitation is published on the bulletin board of the teaching staff members, and on the faculty and branch website on the Internet (if any). At the same time, a report of this publication is organized, signed by the dean and the secretary of the deanship, and a copy is sent to the General Secretary of the University.
Second: Candidacy Terms & Procedures
- The candidate to assume the position of Branch Director shall be among the Faculty teaching staff, holding the rank of professor or assistant professor, or whoever fulfills the conditions for obtaining such rank, or an adjunct professor with at least ten years of experience as tenured or full-timer in the university.
- The candidate for the position of director is required to have a period of service not less than the term of office (three years), pursuant to the University Council Decision No. 103/2 on 25/1/2017.
- Professors who benefit from the seventh-year leave are entitled to run for the position of Director, provided that this leave is suspended according to the rules in the event that he/she is appointed as Director. The said professor is not entitled to benefit from a new seventh-year leave before the lapse of six years.
- Candidacy applications are accepted within a period of one week from the date the Faculty Dean sends the call for candidacy.
- The candidacy application shall be submitted to the Branch Secretariat attached therewith the candidate CV, an Affidavit of the Rank or a statement that fulfills the conditions for this rank.
Third: Selection of five candidates by the Branch Council
- After the end of the candidacy period, the Branch Director invites the Branch Council members, within two days, to hold a session to select five candidates for the Branch Director position.
- Within two days, the Director submits the list of candidates to the Dean for presentation to the Faculty Council, attached therewith the minutes of the Branch Council, CV of each candidate and an affidavit of the rank.
- If, after two consecutive calls, the Branch Council abstained from meeting to select five candidates for any reason, the Branch Director shall submit a report to that effect to the Faculty Council, including all nominations received, in order to select the three candidates from the received nominations.
Fourth: Selection of three candidates by the Faculty Council
- The Dean calls the Faculty Council, within a two-day deadline, to hold a session to select three candidates from among the five names submitted by the Branch Council.
- Within two days, the Dean submits the list of candidates to the University President or the Secretary General of the university, in a closed envelope, attached therewith the minutes of the Faculty Council and the Branch Councils.
- If, after two consecutive calls, the Faculty Council abstains from meeting to select three candidates for any reason, the Faculty Dean shall submit a report to this effect to the University President, including all nominations received, to take the appropriate decision.
Fifth: Appealing the records of nominations
The records of nominations can be appealed before the President of the University within a period of three days from the date of their announcement. The President decides on the objection within a period of three days from the date of its submission at the most.
Beirut, 7 December 2020
President of the Lebanese University
Fouad Ayoub