Study for Graduate Sandra Sleiman published in the international “Mycotaxon” website
Mycotaxon, the international website specialized in fungi, published a scientific article by Sandra Sleiman, a graduate of the Faculty of Science, in which she announced the discovery of 62 species of mushrooms that no one had mentioned before in Lebanon, and eight of which are considered new species worldwide while four are rarely mentioned in scientific research.
The study entitled “First molecular-based contribution to the checklist of Lebanon macrofungi” is the result of a four-year effort that Sandra Sleiman spent in searching for fungi in the forests of Akkar region and its surroundings, under the supervision of Dr. Jean Estephan from the Lebanese University, in cooperation with the Council of Environment in Akkar - Kobayat and researchers from the University of Montpellier - France.
The study is considered the third of its kind in the field of fungi at the level of Lebanon, given that the first was completed in 1957 and was published, and the second in 2000 without being published.
Sandra says that the level of the Lebanese University and its professors is well-known in Lebanon and the world, which makes it easier for any graduate to pursue education anywhere. She adds: "I will stay in Lebanon and continue my research in the field of studying the Lebanese wild mushrooms”.