AULF is organizing an information and orientation meeting entitled "Preparing for your trip"
The Association of Lebanese Academics in France (AULF), invites you to its annual meeting dedicated to meeting students and orienting them on the latest topics to be considered in order to prepare their trip to France.
Date: Tuesday May 31, 2022 at 3:30 pm
Location: Lebanese University, Rafik Hariri Hadath University Campus - Faculty of Science, Amphi X1 "Nizar Salhab
Themes that will be developed during the meeting:
Student housing, Crous, Documents to prepare for the trip, first steps when you arrive in France, Integration into the French system, Bank account in France, Visa validation, Residence permit, University registration, CVEC, Ameli social security, Student employment, CAF housing assistance, Scams, Feedback, Q&A.