Organizational and legal texts
Administrative Memo No. 14 on the process for collecting registration fees from foreign and Arab students in US dollars
In order to implement the provisions of Resolution No. 2138 of July 10, 2021 regarding the payment of registration fees for foreign and Arab students in U.S. dollars and its amendments, faculties, branches and university centers are required to follow the following procedures:
- The Department of Student Affairs shall verify, through the documents submitted by the student, to the extent that the student is subject to the provisions of Resolution 2138/2021 as amended by Resolution No. 2209 of December 10, 2021.
- If the student is subject to the provisions of this resolution, all fees due in Lebanese Pounds will be calculated on the tuition payment card, and their value will be converted into US dollars according to the official exchange rate issued by the Central Bank of Lebanon. The card will indicate that the amount should be paid in US dollars by bank transfer to the account of the Lebanese University at the Central Bank under IBAN LB09 0999 0000 0001 0027 1605 1214.
- The bank transfer receipt will substitute the document issued by Libanpost, and the registration process will be carried out according to the established procedures.
- The dean or director supervises with the general secretary the execution of this procedure and verifies the transactions.
- In the event of an error or omission, a subsequent correction will be required and the student subject to the provisions of 2138/2021 will be required to refund the amounts due in U.S. dollars.