Article 1
A new faculty called the Faculty of Medical Sciences is created at the Lebanese University to provide higher education, conduct research in the field of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, and organize training courses and conferences for physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
Article 2
The Faculty of Medical Sciences referred to in the preceding article comprises the following departments:
1- Medicine
2- Dentistry
3- Pharmacy.
Article 3
Each of the above-mentioned fields comprises academic departments, which will be determined by a decision of the University Council on the basis of the recommendation of the Faculty Council.
Article 4
For the constitution of the branch council and the definition of its competencies, the provisions governing the branch councils of other university faculties shall apply.
Article 5
The provisions applicable to the director of the university branch in other university faculties apply to the appointment of the branch director and to the definition of his powers, rights and duties.
Article 6
The Faculty of Medical Sciences awards the following diplomas, each of which authorizes its holder to practice the profession of:
1- Doctor of Medicine
2- Medical specialist
3- Dental surgeon
4- Doctor of Dentistry
5- Pharmacist
6- Doctor of Pharmacy
Article 7
The duration of studies for the above-mentioned diplomas is set as follows:
1- For the diploma of Doctor of Medicine: Eight years of university studies.
2- For the specialist doctor diploma: The number of years required for each specialty is set out in the table of specializations appended to the law implementing Decree No. 1658 of 17/1/1979 regulating the practice of the medical profession.
3- For the diploma of dental surgeon: Five academic years culminating in a thesis.
4- For the diploma of doctor of dental medicine: Two academic years after obtaining the diploma of dental surgeon, including two post-graduate diplomas and a thesis integrated into post-graduate studies.
5- For the pharmacist's diploma: Five years of university studies.
6- For the doctor of pharmacy diploma: Two academic years after obtaining the pharmacist diploma, including two post-graduate diplomas and a thesis integrated into post-graduate studies.
Article 8
1- The Doctor of Medicine degree is prepared in three cycles:
A- The first cycle, lasting two academic years, is devoted to scientific and fundamental preparation.
This cycle can be prepared at the Faculty of Science according to special programs.
B- The second cycle, lasting four academic years, includes theoretical and practical preparation in general medicine.
C- The third cycle, which lasts two academic years, is devoted to hospital training and ends with the preparation of a thesis in medicine.
2- The diploma of doctor of dental medicine is prepared in two cycles:
A- The first cycle, which lasts one academic year, shares the same curriculum as the first year of the first cycle of the medical degree.
This cycle can be prepared at the Faculty of Science according to special programs.
B- The second cycle, lasting four academic years, includes theoretical, scientific, practical and clinical preparation, as well as internships in health centers.
3- The doctor of pharmacy diploma is prepared in two cycles:
A- The first cycle, lasting one academic year, has a program in common with the first year of the first cycle of the medical degree.
This episode can be prepared at the Faculty of Science according to special programs.
B- The second cycle, lasting four academic years, includes theoretical and practical preparation, as well as internships in a pharmacy and a medical analysis laboratory.
During the final academic year, the student may choose to train in a pharmacy, a medical analysis laboratory or a factory, with the approval of the branch director.
Article 9
It is not permitted to begin studying for the diploma of doctor of dental medicine and the diploma of doctor of pharmacy before having practiced the profession for at least one year.
Article 10
The curricula for the doctor of medicine diploma, the diploma of dental surgeon and the diploma of pharmacist are laid down in accordance with the tables appended to the present decree. The curricula for the specialist doctor diploma, the doctor of dental surgery diploma and the doctor of pharmacy diploma shall be laid down by a subsequent decree.
Article 11
The distribution of study subjects and the hours devoted to them between the different years of the curriculum in all medical science courses is decided by the University Council, on the proposal of the Faculty Council.
Article 12
1- The academic year is divided into two semesters, at the end of each of which an examination is held on the courses of the semester just ending.
2- In addition to the semester final exam, students are required to sit at least two partial exams in each subject during each semester.
3- At the end of the academic year, the student's pass or fail is decided on the basis of the total number of exams mentioned, according to a grading system established by the University Council, based on the recommendation of the Faculty Council.
Article 13
The number of students who may be admitted to the second year of study in each of the fields of medicine, dental medicine and pharmacy, or who may be admitted to prepare a diploma of medical specialist in each specialty, a diploma of doctor of dental medicine or a diploma of doctor of pharmacy, is set annually by decision of the University Council after consultation with the Ministry of Public Health and the trade unions concerned.
Article 14
- Students are admitted to the second year of study in each of the fields of medicine, dental medicine and pharmacy, or to prepare a specialist doctor's diploma in each specialty or a dental doctor's diploma or a pharmacist's diploma, following a competition organized for this purpose, by decision of the university council, on the advice of the faculty council.
- Students are admitted in the order of their success in the competition, without further consideration, and within the limit of the number mentioned above.
- A student who has obtained 10/20 or more in total marks, without exception, is considered to have passed the competition.
- If a sufficient number of candidates are not selected, only those selected will be considered.
- Candidates who have accepted enrolment in the second methodological year in one of the faculty's branches should enroll within one week of the date of announcement of acceptance of their enrolment on the faculty notice board, failing which they will lose their right to enroll and will be replaced by other candidates selected in accordance with the rule of order referred to in the second point of this article.
Article 15
1- Students may not repeat the second methodological year of study more than once.
2- Students with the following diplomas Doctor of Medicine diploma, Dental Surgeon diploma, or Pharmacist diploma, may not repeat more than two years of study during their studies in the second cycle of each of the aforementioned diplomas.
Students holding a specialist doctor's diploma, a doctor of dental medicine diploma or a doctor of pharmacy diploma may not repeat more than one year of study for each of the aforementioned diplomas.
Article 16
A student affiliated to the first cycle who is not accepted to continue studies for the diploma of medicine, dental medicine or pharmacy has the right to complete his or her studies within the Faculty of Science of the Lebanese University in order to obtain the certificates issued by the said faculty.
Article 17
The Faculty of Medical Science of the Lebanese University shall be represented by two members of its teaching staff in the composition of each of the examination commissions provided for in the various colloquium examinations.
Article 18
1- Subject to the other provisions of articles 13 and 14 of the present decree, in both medical and dental fields:
For the 1983-1984 academic year:
Accept the direct affiliation of students to one of the second, third and fourth years of the curriculum.
For the 1984-1985 academic year:
Accept the direct affiliation of students to one of the third and fourth years of study.
2- Application of the provisions of the first paragraph of this article is limited to students who have studied medicine or dentistry in establishments located on Lebanese territory for a maximum of six years.
3- The candidate should have completed at least half of the courses of the previous academic year, according to the curricula of the Faculty of Medical Science of the Lebanese University.
4- Candidates admitted in this way should complete all previous years' courses at the Faculty of Medical Science of the Lebanese University before being promoted to the next year.
Article 19
The responsibility of one or more academic departments may be partially or totally entrusted to organizations whose affairs are managed by legal entities by virtue of a special agreement concluded to this effect between the Lebanese University and said organizations.
Article 20
Responsibility for the preparation of one or more specializations in medicine and dental medicine may be partially or wholly entrusted to hospitals in Lebanon or abroad having proven expertise in this field by virtue of a special agreement concluded to this effect between the Lebanese University and said hospitals.
Article 21
The conditions applicable to the Faculty of Public Health of the Lebanese University shall apply to the appointment, promotion and contractualization of teaching staff.
Article 22
The present decree shall come into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette.
Baabda, 12 October 1983
Published by the President of the Republic
Amin Gemayel