Article 1
- The provisions of Decrees No. 8339 of 5/10/67 and No. 309 of 4/1/1971 are repealed
- In addition to the general provisions stipulated in Law No. 75/67 issued on 26/12/1967 organizing the Lebanese University, the organization of the Media Institute, which replaces the name of the Journalism Institute, is subject to the following regulatory provisions:
Article 2
The Institute of Media is responsible for:
- Specialized preparation of its students and providing them with the methodological and technical scientific foundations by organizing high classes that qualify the student to obtain a bachelor's degree in media.
- Interest in developing, preparing and publishing scientific research in the fields of media, especially the Lebanese and Arab media, and developing means to raise its level and benefit therefrom.
- Gather publications and documents related to media and their coordination.
Article 3
The Institute of Media includes:
- Media Studies, Research and Reference Department.
- Media Development and Media Training Center.
Article 4
The organization of the Media Development and Media Training Center is subject to the provisions stipulated in Decree No. 11020 dated October 7, 1968, and this name replaces the name of the Journalists Training and Media Development Center wherever the latter is mentioned in the aforementioned decree.
Article 5
The composition of the Institute Council and its powers are governed by the provisions stipulated in Law No. 75/67 issued on December 26, 1967, which organizes the Lebanese University.
Article 6
Teaching at the Institute is conducted on a year system and the study is limited to four academic years, at the end of which the student receives a bachelor's degree in media in one of the following branches of specialization: Journalism and Press Agencies - Radio and Television - Advertising - Public Relations.
The study during the first three years is unified among the candidates for the branches of specialization, and then branch out in the fourth year to specialize in one of the above-mentioned branches, and the type of specialization is mentioned on the degree.
Article 7
Candidates who hold the Lebanese Baccalaureate Second Division or its equivalent are accepted in the first year with a written test conducted by the Institute administration before the beginning of each academic year.
Article 8
The student will be registered after passing each of the following written test subjects, each of which constitutes an independent unit, provided he/she obtains at least the specified grade:
General Culture in Arabic: 10/20
General culture in a foreign language: French or English 8/20
Localization: 10/20
Translation: 7/20.
Article 9
Students are required to attend all theoretical lessons and practical exercises and to conduct all studies and research prescribed by the programs. Only those who have conducted the prescribed research and attended the lessons in each subject by 70% of the official working hours are entitled to sit for the end-of-year exams, unless the prevention is based on a legitimate excuse assessed by the Institute administration.
Article 10
Hourly teaching at the Institute of Information may be contracted to those who meet the following conditions:
- First Category Contractor:
Classified in the first category:
1. Holders of a state doctorate or PhD from major universities in the subject of the specialty required to be taught and practiced higher education for at least ten years after obtaining the degree or its equivalent.
2. Or having a media impact and recognized media experience for at least twenty years, at the discretion of the Institute's Council and the approval of the University Council, for teaching media subjects only.
- Second Category Contractor
Classified in the second category are those who hold:
- A state doctorate or PhD from a major university in the subject matter of the specialty to be taught and practiced higher education for at least 3 years after obtaining a bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
- A PhD of 3rd cycle or PhD and practiced higher education for at least five years after obtaining a bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
- A postgraduate diploma in which the duration of the regular study is not less than two years after obtaining a bachelor's degree and practicing higher education for at least six years after obtaining a bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
- A certificate of proficiency and practiced higher education for at least seven years after obtaining a bachelor's degree or equivalent.
- A specialized diploma from a higher institute in which the years of regular study are not less than four years and practiced higher education for at least seven years after obtaining this diploma or practiced work in his field of specialization for ten years after obtaining the diploma.
- A bachelor's degree in law or political science and practiced higher education for ten years after obtaining this degree.
- He should have a recognized media impact and experience for at least fifteen years at the discretion of the Institute's Council and the approval of the University Council to teach media subjects only.
- Third Category Contractor
- For non-languages:
- A state doctorate, PhD in the subject to be taught.
- A postgraduate diploma in which the duration of the formal study is not less than two years after the bachelor's degree in the subject to be taught and has practiced higher education for at least four years after obtaining the bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
- A postgraduate diploma with a minimum of two years of formal study after a bachelor's degree in media subjects.
- A certificate of proficiency and practiced higher education for at least five years after the end of the certificate of proficiency.
- A specialized diploma from a higher institute with a formal study period of not less than four years and practiced higher education for at least five years after obtaining this diploma or practiced working in his field of specialization for at least seven years.
- A bachelor's degree in law or political science and practicing higher education for five years after obtaining this degree.
- He should have a recognized media impact and experience for at least ten years at the discretion of the Institute's Council and the approval of the University Council to teach media subjects only.
- For teaching languages:
At least a teaching bachelor's degree or the equivalent in the language to be taught and at least eight years of secondary or higher education.
- Fourth Category Contractor
Teachers of additional foreign languages are classified in the fourth category, provided that they hold at least a university degree or its equivalent in the language to be taught and have practiced secondary education for at least four years after obtaining this degree.
Article 11
Those classified in the first, second and third categories and those previously contracted by the Institute of Media remain in the categories in which they were classified before the issuance of this decree, provided that they have not stopped teaching at the said institute.
Article 12
Full-time contractors at the Institute of Media shall be subject to the conditions applicable to other faculties and institutes with regard to the teaching subjects that have an equivalent in these faculties and institutes at the Lebanese University, with the exception of purely media subjects, provided that the Institute's Council gives media status to these subjects and the University Council approves them. These contractors are subject to the provisions of Law No. 6/70 dated 26/2/1970.
Article 13
Full-time contractors teaching media subjects are subject to the conditions imposed on hourly contracts and are subject to all the duties of teaching staff members belonging to the university's tenured staff.
Article 14
A full-time contractor can only be appointed to the staff if they meet the Institute's appointment requirements.
Article 15
The University Council, based on the proposal of the Institute Council, determines the basic monthly salary for a full-time contractor according to the rates applicable in the university faculties and institutes.
Article 16
Based on the decision of the University Council based on the recommendation of the Institute Council, the President of the University is entitled to contract the following:
- Head of Newspaper Production
- Newspaper Director
- Investigative Journalist
- Journalist Detective
- Illustrator
- Photographer
- Cartoonist
- Industrial, printing or electrical worker
- Newspaper Editor
- Stenographer
- Factory foreman
- Shop foreman
- Librarian
- Assistant Librarian
- Coordinator
- Notary
Within the funds allocated for this purpose in the budget and within the conditions specified in the following articles:
Article 17
The head of press production is subject to the conditions imposed on a second category hourly contractor.
Article 18
Both the press director and the notary are subject to the conditions imposed on hourly contractors of the third category.
Article 19
The investigative journalist, reporter or editor should be a holder of the Lebanese Baccalaureate Second Division or its equivalent and have practiced working in his field of specialization for at least five years in a private or public institution.
Article 20
The head of a factory and the head of a workshop should hold a technical baccalaureate in the second division or its equivalent in the branch in which he is invited to work and has practiced working in his field of specialization for at least four years, or a statement of experience in the work of his specialty proving that he has worked for at least 12 years in a public or private institution.
Article 21
The illustrator and cartoonist should be a holder of the Lebanese Baccalaureate Second Division or its equivalent and have practiced working in his field of specialization for at least five years, or if he has an impact in his art that is assessed by the Institute Council and approved by the University Council.
Article 22
An industrial, mechanical, printing or electrical worker should hold a professional certificate, or have practiced the work to which he is invited for at least five years.
Article 23
The stenographer should hold a degree in this specialty for a minimum of two years or work in his field of specialization for at least five years.
Article 24
Institute students are subject to all the provisions of the internal regulations of the Lebanese University and the internal regulations of the institute, which are established in accordance with the regulations in force at the university.
Article 25
This decree shall be published and communicated where needed.
Article 26
This decree is effective from the date of its issuance.
Baabda, 17 October 1972
Signature: Sleiman Franjieh