Article 1
The "Media Institute" at the Lebanese University has been renamed the "Faculty of Media & Documentation" instead of “Media Institute”.
Article 2
The text of Article 3 of Decree No. 4156 dated 17/10/1972 is repealed and replaced with the following text:
- Department of Studies
- Department of Research & Documentation
- Media Development and Journalist Training Center.
Article 3
The Department of Studies includes:
- Media studies.
- Documentation studies.
Article 4
Teaching at the faculty is conducted on a yearly system and the study is limited to four academic years, at the end of which the student obtains a bachelor's degree.
The branches of specialization are defined as follows:
In media studies: Journalism, radio, television, advertising and public relations.
In documentation studies: Archival science, documentation and libraries.
The type of specialization is indicated on the degree.
Article 5
At the end of each academic year, the University Council, based on the proposal of the Faculty Council, determines the branches that will operate during the following year.
Article 6
This decree shall be published and communicated where needed.
Baabda, 24 March 1975
Signature: Sleiman Franjieh
Issued by the President of the Republic