Chapter One: General Provisions
Article 1
The Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences, created at the Lebanese University under Decree No. 74 dated 22 February 2007, is one of the Lebanese University units designated below by “DSLHSS”.
Article 2
The Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences at the Lebanese University grants the Phd and the “Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches” (HDR) diploma in the following specializations: Literature and Human Sciences, Journalism, Education, Fine Arts (with the exception of Architecture), in accordance with the laws, decrees and regulations adopted at the Lebanese University and the provisions contained in the present bylaws.
Article 3
DSLHSS Mission
The DSLHSS seeks to:
- Become an attractive scientific center and a scientific and research-oriented eye that enables public and private sectors to solve their problems, establish their national identity and acquire the means of opening up to the world, thus ensuring their growth and productivity.
- Contribute to the restructuring of the labor market by creating new job opportunities resulting from the introduction of the scientific research profession into the core of the community management process in order to ensure its cohesion and the development of its productive sectors.
- Provide, through the accumulation of research, a scientific information warehouse that can play a reference role at the national and Arab levels.
Article 4
DSLHSS Objectives & Functions
The DSLHSS seeks to achieve the following objectives and functions:
- Launch an independent and purposeful national research dynamic, which is:
- Open to the global university field and active in the production of contemporary science, ensuring a prominent presence of the Lebanese University in scientific forums;
- Able to fulfill the needs of public institutions in the field of studies and information, to plan and rationalize the relationship between these institutions, research centers and regional and international institutions;
- Able to fulfill the needs of higher education institutions, scientific research, and production and service sectors in the Lebanese society.
- Prepare doctoral students in the framework of research teams representing the DSLHSS departments and composed of research professors.
- Develop supervision methods through cooperation and coordination between the supervisor and members of the research team.
- Provide means for PhD students in order to prepare and defend their dissertations, most important of which, are the labs, libraries, Internet and fieldwork supplies.
- Issue a scientific journal in the various specializations of the DSLHSS to publish scientific research and articles for professors and students, supervised by a scientific committee appointed by a decision of the Dean upon the proposal of the DSLHSS Council.
- Promote the PhD degree granted by the DSLHSS to stimulate creativity through cooperation with the social and economic sectors within the framework of agreements concluded with the Lebanese University or between the Lebanese government and regional and international organizations.
- Organize the scientific exchange between the DSLHSS students and students of other doctoral schools at the Lebanese University. Ensure the scientific communication, exchange of expertise and knowledge, and intellectual openness to the universities and research centers with which the Lebanese University maintains relations inside and outside Lebanon, in order to enhance the scientific position of the Lebanese University as a cultural and scientific point of attraction in light of contemporary transformations and challenges.
- Cooperate with research centers, labs and research teams in the Lebanese University faculties and institutes, namely those concerned with its specializations, under frameworks agreed upon and approved by the concerned deans and the DSLHSS dean.
- Open up to Arab, regional and international universities in the framework of agreements established with the Lebanese University through the exchange of expertise and delegations, and adoption of co-tutelle and co-direction.
Chapter Two: DSLHSS Structure
Article 5
- The DSLHSS operates under the management of a Dean and a Council in accordance with the regulations concerning the authorities of the Lebanese University deans and Faculty councils.
- The DSLHSS Council is comprised of:
- The Dean, as chairperson.
- The research professors with a rank of “Professor of Higher Education” representing the various specializations of the DSLHSS, as members.
The members are elected by the members of the Teaching Staff in the DSLHSS among the research teams in each specialization, in accordance with the regulations of the Lebanese University. Their number shall be specified by a decision of the University Council.
Article 6
The DSLHSS research departments
The DSLHSS research departments are identified in accordance with its specializations as follows:
- Literature, Languages and Translation
- Human Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Journalism
- Education
- Fine Arts (with the exception of Architecture)
Article 7
Head of research departments
- Each of the DSLHSS departments is headed by a professor from the researchers holding the rank of professor or the HDR diploma, and attached to the DSLHSS from the members of the Teaching Staff in the relevant faculties.
- The University Council shall determine the conditions for nomination and election of the Head of the Department upon the proposal of the DSLHSS Council.
- The functions of the heads of departments shall be determined by mechanisms established by the DSLHSS Council in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws.
Article 8
Research teams
- Each of the DSLHSS research departments shall consist of one or more research teams that meet and operate in the DSLHSS research labs.
- Under a decision of the DSLHSS Dean, upon the proposal of the DSLHSS Council, the research teams shall be formed of research professors holding the rank of professor who supervise dissertations, and the rank of lecturer to assist them in the research and management of academic activities and of professors holding the HDR Diploma.
- Joint research teams may be formed between two or more departments of the DSLHSS.
- The members of each research team shall select the head of the team elected for two years.
Article 9
Research labs
- The DSLHSS shall establish laboratories in its specializations, as well as foreign language and audiovisual labs, to be used by the research teams in the DSLHSS. These labs shall provide services to the public administrations and the community.
- The research professors and research teams of the different faculties and institutes concerned with the DSLHSS shall benefit from these labs in terms of their central nature.
- Each of the DSLHSS central laboratories shall be managed by a professor of the researchers holding the rank of professor, appointed by the University President upon the proposal of the DSLHSS Dean and Council.
- Research labs benefit from the expertise and services of the DSLHSS departments, namely the following departments: IT, library, maintenance, public relations and media.
Article 10
The DSLHSS Council functions
In addition to the functions stipulated in the regulations of the Lebanese University deans and Faculty councils, the DSLHSS Council shall:
- Approve the research tracks and axes based on the suggestions of the research teams, taking into account the proposals of the relevant faculties and institutes according to the needs of the DSLHSS.
- Recommend the establishment of research tracks according to the needs of the DSLHSS at the suggestion of the research teams.
- Conduct an annual evaluation of the DSLHSS work and its various scientific activities.
- Determine the needs of the research labs of the equipment and techniques, and approve the annual draft budget.
- Supervise the organization of seminars, lectures and conferences held by the DSLHSS.
- Seek to obtain grants for students and conclude contracts to finance researches from the public and private, national, Arab and international institutions, universities and bodies, and decide thereupon according to the administrative regulations adopted at the Lebanese University.
Article 11
The administrative and technical staff of the DSLHSS shall be formed in accordance with the regulations in force in all faculties of the Lebanese University.
Article 12
Research Professor Committee
The Teaching Staff of the Lebanese University may be attached to the DSLHSS or some of them may be assigned to give part of their teaching hours, by a decision of the University President based on the recommendation of the DSLHSS Dean. The DSLHSS may also contract with professors to carry out supervision and research work when needed in accordance with the applicable rules.
Chapter Three: PhD Diploma
Article 13
Definition of PhD dissertation
The PhD dissertation is a professional research experience based on the principle of innovation in a particular specialization of the DSLHSS. It aims to prepare university researchers, specialists, and professors.
Article 14
PhD presentations
The research teams submit PhD presentations through specific research axes that the student selects a subject thereof that is consistent with one of the axes presented by these teams.
Article 15
Conditions to apply for PhD dissertation
- The Lebanese University students shall be:
- Holders of Research Master Degree or Degree of Profound Studies (DEA) from the Lebanese University in the specializations of the DSLHSS;
- Holders of the Professional Master Degree from the Lebanese University, on condition that the DSLHSS Council requires that after the enrollment, the student shall complete supplementary courses from the Research Master upon the opinion of the research team related to his/her subject.
- The non-Lebanese University students:
A student with a master's degree or equivalent, obtained from a university other than the Lebanese University, may apply for a PhD degree, on condition that the DSLHSS Council decides to consider his/her application based on explicit and declared standards, noting the academic level of his/her certificate:
- In terms of its suitability to the standards of preparing the PhD in the DSLHSS;
- In terms of the forms of participation, agreements and treaties held by the Lebanese University with the university that issued this certificate, taking into account the DSLHSS capacity in order to preserve the eligibility of the Lebanese University students.
Article 16
Acceptance to prepare the PhD dissertation
The supervisor and the head of the research team concerned accept the student after evaluating his/her qualifications through the interview and studying his/her file with the members of the research team concerned with the chosen subject. The approval of the students is registered after authentication of the DSLHSS Council by a decision of the Dean. The student’s file shall include a CV, a motivation letter not exceeding ten pages showing the motives and reasons for choosing the dissertation subject and the required documents in accordance with the regulations adopted by the DSLHSS.
Article 17
Dissertation Supervision
- The dissertation supervisor shall be a professor, holding the rank of “professor” or holding an HDR diploma;
- The DSLHSS Council shall determine the maximum number of students that each professor can supervise.
Article 18
Dissertation Management
Each PhD student and the relevant supervisor shall abide by the following conditions:
- Join one of the research teams of the DSLHSS departments or the joint teams between these departments to complete the work related to the dissertation, develop the knowledge and practical abilities under the direction and follow-up of the supervisor, and benefit from the exchange of expertise with researchers and students with whom he/she works in the same research team.
- Complete the dissertation within the time required to prepare for the PhD, which is three consecutive years. This period may be extended in accordance with the regulations of the Lebanese University (Decree 2225).
Article 19
Joint PhDs
The DSLHSS can hold Doctoral Cotutelle/Joint PhD supervision and management agreements with national, regional and international scientific universities and institutions qualified to manage the researches. The formal mechanism for the joint PhD is subject to the agreements concluded by the Lebanese University, represented by its President, with the concerned national, regional and international scientific universities and institutions.
Article 20
Complementary Academic Activities
- PhD students shall engage in academic activities that accompany the preparation of their dissertations. They shall participate in seminars, missions, training courses, symposiums and conferences within and outside the Lebanese University, and they shall have to publish a scientific paper relevant to the subjects of their dissertation.
- PhD students shall prove their achievement in the complementary academic activities as a condition to defend the dissertation, based on the signature of the supervisor, the head of the research team and the DSLHSS Dean.
- The student's complementary academic activities shall be evaluated with 40 credits and the dissertation prepared with 140 ECTS, thus ensuring the equivalence of the PhD degree granted by the DSLHSS according to the standards of the European B.M.D system.
- A detailed list of the approved activities shall be attached to this decision, on condition that the DSLHSS Council may amend its schedule on the proposal of the research professors who follow up and evaluate these activities.
Article 21
Dissertation Defense Requirements
- The dissertation is discussed after fulfilling the conditions stipulated in this resolution.
- The student shall submit to the DSLHSS administration the dissertation file in full and approved by the supervisor, provided that it includes the following:
- Request to allow the dissertation defense with the proposal of two rapporteurs by the supervisor and the approval of the DSLHSS Dean;
- Two copies of the dissertation to send to the rapporteurs;
- Acknowledgment of the completion of the complementary activities signed by the supervisor, the head of the research team and the DSLHSS Dean.
Article 22
Dissertation Evaluation Procedures
- Two rapporteurs from the Lebanese University, holding the rank of “professor” or the HDR diploma shall evaluate the dissertation. They shall be appointed by a decision of the Dean based on the supervisor’s recommendation.
- Each rapporteur shall submit the dissertation report to the DSLHSS administration within a maximum of three months from the date of its initial receipt.
- Based on the reports of the rapporteurs, the Dean and the supervisor shall make the appropriate decision on the dissertation defense.
Article 23
Dissertation Defense Jury
- The dissertation Defense Jury shall be formed according to the supervision formula of five or six members by a decision of the University President after the approval of its council upon the proposal of the DSLHSS Dean. In this decision, the Chair of the Jury shall be determined on condition that he/she is not the supervisor.
- When the supervision of the dissertation is confined to the DSLHSS, the dissertation Defense Jury shall consist of the supervisor, the two rapporteurs and two additional members, one of whom may be from outside or retired from the Lebanese University.
- When the supervision and management of the dissertation is conducted in the form of co-tutelle or co-direction, the Defense Jury shall consist of the supervisors from both universities, the rapporteurs and two additional members, one of whom may be outside the University staff.
Article 24
Defense Procedures
- The DSLHSS administration shall refer to the supervisor the reports of the rapporteurs and the decision to form the Defense Jury.
- The DSLHSS administration shall send a copy of the dissertation to the members of the jury two months prior to the defense session.
- The DSLHSS administration shall announce the date and location of the defense session according to the procedures adopted and the defense session shall be public.
- The Chair of the Jury shall prepare a report of the defense results signed by the members of the Jury to be submitted to the DSLHSS Dean for approval.
- Based on the deliberations of the Jury and the evaluation process, the student shall receive one of the following grades: Fair, Good, Very Good, Honorable and With Distinction.
- The student shall deliver to the DSLHSS administration, within a maximum of three months, after the dissertation defense, four copies of the dissertation corrected, according to the Jury observations and signed by the supervisor.
- The dissertation is transferred to the University library and may be printed according to the regulations of the Lebanese University. The Jury may propose to the DSLHSS Council the publication of distinguished dissertations at the expense of the Lebanese University.
Chapter IV: Organization of the HDR Diploma
Article 25
Definition of the HDR Diploma
The HDR Diploma is characterized by a world-class recognition of the researcher's effective competence to manage research or applied research axis, and a recognition of the scientific competence to supervise the student researchers.
Article 26
In order to obtain the HDR diploma, the candidate shall:
- Be holder of a PhD in one or more of the DSLHSS specializations;
- Have the rank of professor or associate professor;
- Have research and teaching experience in research and university institutions of not less than five years.
Article 27
- The candidate shall submit a scientific file containing:
- The PhD diploma(s);
- The candidate’s researches and scientific publications;
- A summary (not exceeding fifty pages) of the scientific career including the research objectives and axes in which he/she is working, the theses, dissertations and researches, which he/she supervised or participated in their achievements.
- The candidate’s application shall be referred to a committee specialized with the HDR diploma appointed by the University President upon the proposal of the DSLHSS Dean, to study the application in terms of fulfilling the DSLHSS conditions. The recommendation shall be raised to the DSLHSS Council to decide thereupon.
Article 28
Obtaining the HDR diploma
- The candidate’s file shall be evaluated by three rapporteurs appointed by the DSLHSS Dean, one of whom may be from outside the Lebanese University or a retired therefrom and who is considered to have high scientific and research competence.
- The rapporteurs shall have the rank of professors or hold the HDR diploma.
- The rapporteurs shall submit their reports to the Dean, who in turn shall inform the candidate. Accordingly, the appropriate decision for the defense is taken.
Article 29
Defense Jury
- The Defense Jury consists of three rapporteurs and two additional members, one of whom may be from outside the Lebanese University, who is considered to have high scientific and research competence.
- The members of the Defense Jury shall have the rank of professor or hold the HDR diploma.
- The Defense Jury shall be formed and its Chair appointed by a decision of the University President on the proposal of the DSLHSS Dean.
Article 30
The file shall be presented to the Defense Jury after the approval of the Dean based on the reports of the three rapporteurs. The Dean shall determine the place and date of the defense session, which shall be public.
Chapter V: Miscellaneous
Article 31
The DSLHSS administration grants a temporary affidavit of the diploma pending the issuance of the official diploma.
Article 32
The DSLHSS shall issue, grant and sign the diplomas in accordance with the laws and regulations in force at the Lebanese University.
Article 33
Any text contrary to the provisions of this resolution shall be repealed or shall not be in conformity with its content.
Article 34
This resolution shall be published and communicated as necessary.
Activity No.
Activity Type
No. of credits by activity
Limits on number of activities and credits
Participate in specific seminars determined by the department concerned and write a report on the subject.
7 activities = 14 credits (compulsory: 2 activities = 4 credits)
Publish a peer-reviewed scientific study or research in the field of specialization, which is not an integral part of the thesis.
2 activities = 20 credits (compulsory: 1 activity = 10 credits)
Participate in public research seminars determined by the doctoral school and write a report on the subject.
7 activities = 14 credits (compulsory: 1 activity = 2 credits)
Participate in doctoral days
4 activities = 8 credits (compulsory: 2 activities = 4 credits)
Attend thesis defenses in the area of specialization.
6 activities = 6 credits
Participate in a seminar organized by a research group with which the doctoral student is not affiliated
5 activities = 10 credits
Attend a scientific conference or workshop
4 activities = 8 credits
Submit an article to a scientific conference or workshop
2 activities = 12 credits
Participation in a scientific mission or training course abroad
2 activities = 8 credits
Total authorized credits
100 credits
- The PhD student is required to obtain 20 compulsory credits (indicated in the table above)
- 20 elective credits out of a total of 80 remaining credits
- The total number of credits to be obtained during the three years of thesis preparation is: 20 + 20 = 40 credits.
- The reports listed in the table above are presented and discussed in the research group to which the student belongs.