Doctoral School of Science & Technology

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The Doctoral School prepares students to obtain the Lebanese PhD in science and technology and provides them with research expertise in specialized fields. The Doctoral School is committed to a set of agreements with universities and regional and international institutions concerned with supporting research and scientific studies and securing appropriate process for their implementation.


Chapter One: General Provisions

Article 1

The Doctoral School of Science & Technology, created at the Lebanese University under Decree No. 74 dated 22 February 2007, is an independent academic faculty designated below by “DSST”.


Article 2

The DSST is managed by a Dean and a Council in accordance with the regulations in force in the Lebanese University.


Chapter Two: Mission & Objectives

Article 3

DSST Mission

  1. Participating in the formation of a science-based culture and practice focused on innovation, development and quality assurance, and ensuring objectivity, honesty and respect for intellectual property in the production, transmission and evaluation of knowledge, within the specializations of DSST.
  2. Contributing to the formation of research expertise in the advanced scientific and technical fields and developing competencies in the management of scientific research to meet the needs of public and private higher education, scientific research institutions and the sectors of production and services in the Lebanese society.
  3. Linking education and scientific research, engaging students in research activities, and organizing conferences, workshops and scientific trainings.
  4. Publishing scientific articles and issuing scientific journals to ensure a valuable and effective presence of the Lebanese University in scientific forums.
  5. Participating in the process of development through the transfer of advanced technologies and the development of studies and plans, and proposing solutions in areas within the specializations of DSST.


Article 4

DSST Objectives

  1. Preparing students to obtain the Lebanese PhD in science and technology and engage in the labor market.
  2. Training and qualifying university researchers in the management of scientific research and supervision of projects, essays and dissertations.
  3. Establishing central laboratories for research and training, developing research teams related to the research and educational needs of the University and concerned institutions in the Lebanese society, and periodically evaluating the performance of these teams and supervising their activities while securing their requirements and equipment.
  4. Conducting research and studies, implementing projects and providing research and technical services and scientific advice to the Lebanese University faculties, public and private institutions and sectors of production and services.
  5. Providing scientific references, library and IT services, and issuing an annual guide for scientific research at the DSST.
  6. Concluding agreements with local and international, public and private institutions of higher education and scientific research and institutions of production and services in order to cooperate and exchange expertise, ensure the functional integration of graduates, grant scholarships to PhD students, and sign them in accordance with the regulations of the University.


Chapter Three: DSST Structure

Article 5

The DSST council is comprised of the following members:

  1. Chairman: Dean.
  2. Members: Professors with a rank of “Professor of Higher Education” representing the various disciplines of the DSST, elected by the members of the Teaching Staff in each disciplines, and their number being determined by a decision of the University Council.


Article 6

DSST sections are identified as follows:

  1. Section of Organization and Management of PhD and “Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches” (HDR)
  2. Departments of scientific research and include the following disciplines:
  1. Departments of Science and Technology:
  • Department of Fundamental and Applied Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Department of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences
  • Department of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry
  • Department of Fundamental and Applied Physics
  • Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
  • Department of Fundamental and Applied Information Technology
  1. Departments of Medical Sciences:
  • Department of Public Health
  • Department of Medicine
  • Department of Pharmacy
  • Department of Dental Medicine
  • Department of Veterinary Medicine
  1. Departments of Engineering:
  • Department of Architecture
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • Department of Electrical Engineering
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Computer Engineering
  • Department of Agricultural Engineering
  • Department of Fundamental and Applied Medical Engineering


Article 7

The specializations are distributed to the affiliated laboratories within the faculties and research centers in the DSST, as follows:

  • Center for Research and Analysis in Water & Environmental Sciences
  • Center for Research in Nanotechnology & its Applications
  • Azm Center for Research in Biotechnology & Applications

In addition to other laboratories that can be established at the DSST and/or within the relevant scientific faculties at the Lebanese University.


Article 8

  1. In addition to the functions applicable by the Lebanese University, the DSST Council endorses the various related scientific and research affairs, and is responsible of the following tasks:
  2. Recommending the establishment, cancellation or integration of research projects and the development of their programs according to the DSST research needs or upon the proposal of the related faculty council, following the approval of the University Council.
  3. Developing programs and scientific research plans at the DSST, and establishing priorities and needs in each department.
  4. Recommending the support for specialization and training grants according to the DSST needs.
  5. Conducting an annual performance evaluation of the DSST.


Article 9

The functions of the Department of Organization and Management of PhD and “Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches” (HDR) are as follows:

  1. Informing and guiding students on all scientific matters and research projects in the various scientific departments, specializations and laboratories located at the DSST.
  2. Proposing the development and amendment of PhD and “Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches” (HDR) programs.
  3. Organizing complementary education programs in various specializations.
  4. Proposing programs of annual activities.
  5. Proposing committees to follow up and organize doctoral dissertations.
  6. Assisting students to engage in the labor market and following up the professional development of graduates.


Article 10

The functions of the research departments are defined as follows:

  1. Recommending nomination of contractual researchers and technicians.
  2. Conducting studies and research in fields and domains related to the DSST specializations.
  3. Preparing studies to obtain funded research projects.
  4. Cooperating with research laboratories in Lebanon and abroad.
  5. Organizing periodic seminars to follow up the various research activities in the department.
  6. Carrying out research and laboratory analysis and studies funded by both the public and private sectors.


Article 11

  1. Each of the departments mentioned in Article 6 shall be headed by a professor / researcher and member of the Teaching Staff in the relevant faculties, who shall have the rank of Professor. The professor shall be elected by members of the Teaching Staff in each department.
  2. The functions of department heads shall be determined in accordance with regulations and mechanisms established by the DSST Council.
  3. The heads of departments in each Department shall elect the members of the DSST Council based on the number determined by the University Council.


Article 12

Each of the DSST central laboratories shall be managed by a professor from those who have the rank of Professor and who are appointed by the President of the University, following the proposal of the DSST Dean and Council.


Article 13

The administrative and technical staff of the DSST shall be established and subject to the regulations applicable to the faculties of the Lebanese University.


Chapter Four: Diploma & their Organization

Article 14

  • The Institute offers a PhD and an HDR Diploma in the following specializations: Science and Technology, Health (Medicine, Health, Pharmacy, and Dentistry), Agriculture, Engineering and Architecture.
  • The PhD degree is based on scientific research and the principle of innovation in a particular field of specialization of the DSST. It aims at preparing university professors who are highly qualified researchers and professionals capable of engaging in the labor market.
  • The HDR diploma provides a world-class recognition of the researcher's efficiency in managing scientific research projects, and of the scientific ability to supervise students and researchers.


1 - Conditions to Obtain the PhD Diploma


Article 15

The duration of the PhD is not less than three years and not more than five years.


Article 16

A PhD degree from the DSST at the Lebanese University is equivalent to a total of 180 (ECTS), in order to ensure that it is internationally equivalent with the Bachelor-Masters-Doctoral (BMD) system; of which 140 are allocated for research findings and the final dissertation. The remaining 40 credits shall be distributed to complementary scientific and research activities as required by the nature of the dissertation subject, in accordance with the regulations of the DSST adopted by its Scientific Council.


Article 17

To accept the registration of a candidate for the preparation of a doctorate, he/she must:

  • Be holder of a Research Master's degree or a Diploma in Advanced Studies (DEA) or its equivalent within the specializations of the DSST, in accordance with the regulations adopted at the Lebanese University;
  • Obtain approval of the advisor and the DSST Council on the dissertation, provided that the advisor has a rank of “Professor” or holds the HDR diploma.


In addition to the above requirements, students who wish to register for a PhD shall secure documents in accordance with the regulations of the University. A professional Master's degree holder who wishes to register for a PhD may also apply to the DSST to study in accordance with the standards approved therein.


Article 18

The administrative registration in the PhD diploma shall be under a decision of the DSST Dean based on the recommendation of the related Scientific Committee and the DSST Council. The student may not register more than one PhD dissertation at the DSST.


Article 19

Each PhD student shall adhere with his advisor to the following conditions:

  1. The dissertation is supervised by an advisor and a co-advisor in the same specializations chosen from the professors of the Lebanese University or other universities. He / she shall be named by the main advisor after the approval of the DSST Council.
  2. In accordance with a mechanism established by the DSST Council, the number of dissertations that the advisor is allowed to supervise shall be determined by the Council.
  3. The work of dissertations is followed up by specialized committees whose task is to follow up the student and assist and guide him to achieve the complementary scientific and research activities. These committees consist of professors from the DSST specializations at the Lebanese University.


Article 20

The DSST can hold Doctoral Cotutelle/Joint PhD agreements with national and international scientific research institutions. The official agreements shall be approved and signed by the participating institutions and the Lebanese University.


Article 21

  1. The dissertation is defended after fulfilling the requirements of the conditions stipulated in Article 17.
  2. The student shall submit to the DSST administration the complete file of the dissertation approved by the advisor. The file shall include:
  • Request for permission to defend the dissertation and proposal of two rapporteurs by the advisor;
  • Two copies of the dissertation to be sent to the rapporteurs attached therewith the scientific publications or documents accepted for publication;
  • Statement on the complementary scientific and research activities approved by the DSST;
  • Copy of the student ID card.
  1. The dissertation is evaluated by two rapporteurs holding the rank of “Professor” or an HDR diploma, provided that at least one of them is from outside the Lebanese University.
  2. Based on the reports of the rapporteurs, the Dean and the Advisor shall make the appropriate decision on the defense of the dissertation.
  3. An Examination Board shall be established to assess the dissertation by a decision of the President of the University, following the approval of the Council and the proposal of the DSST Dean. In this decision, the Chairman of the Board shall be determined provided that he is not the advisor.
  4. The Examination Board shall consist of a maximum of four to eight members, including the advisor and rapporteurs, with half of the members at least having the rank of Professor or holding an HDR diploma.
  5. When a PhD is awarded by several universities, the Examination Board shall be composed of the universities concerned.


Article 22

  1. The defense session shall be public and may consists of a closed session in special cases (patent, etc.)
  2. On the basis of the Board deliberations and the assessment process, the student shall receive one of the following grades:
  • Very Good
  • With honors
  • With great honors


Article 23

  1. Students shall deposit to the DSST administration four copies of the dissertation corrected according to the Board’s observations and signed by the advisor, within a maximum of three months after defending the dissertation.
  2. The dissertation is transferred to the University library and allowed to be printed according to the regulations of the Lebanese University.


Article 24

  1. The financial support is necessary for the completion of the dissertation. The student and the advisor shall provide the necessary funding for three consecutive years. The DSST shall help to secure this funding in accordance with the scholarship system in force at the University.
  2. The DSST may provide scholarships for outstanding students within agreements concluded for this purpose.


2 - Conditions to obtain the HDR Diploma


Article 25

Candidates for the HDR diploma shall:

  1. Hold a PhD in one of the DSST specializations;
  2. Have research and teaching experience of not less than five years in research and academic institutions.
  3. Submit a scientific file in accordance with the conditions approved by the DSST.


Article 26

A candidate may not enroll in the same academic year at more than one university in Lebanon or abroad to obtain the HDR diploma.


Article 27

The file shall be evaluated by three rapporteurs appointed by the DSST Dean, following the proposal of the DSST Council and at least two of them shall be from outside the Lebanese University.

The rapporteurs shall have high scientific competence and the rank of Professor or an HDR diploma.


Article 28

The research shall be presented to the Examination Board after the approval of the Dean and the DSST Council based on the reports of the rapporteurs.


Article 29

  1. The Examination Board shall consist of five to eight members (including the rapporteurs), who at least two of them shall be from outside the University, provided that the members of the Board shall have high scientific competence and an HDR diploma or the rank of Professor.
  2. The Board shall be appointed by a decision of the President of the University upon the proposal of the DSST Dean. The Chairman of the Board shall be determined in the decision.


Article 30

The DSST Council shall determine the date of the defense of the file, and the defense shall be public.


Chapter Five: Teaching Staff & Researchers

Article 31

The Teaching Staff members of the Lebanese University may join the DSST upon their request by a decision of the President of the University and the proposal of the DSST Council. Some members may be asked by the University to provide part of their service at the DSST.


Article 32

It is possible to contract with Lebanese or foreign researchers in accordance with the laws and regulations in force at the University.


Article 33

The DSST is committed to the full-time system adopted by the Lebanese University. Every three hours of research within the DSST laboratories is equivalent to one hour of teaching at the University.


Article 34

The researchers are distributed to work at the DSST laboratories and the affiliated laboratories at the faculties of the Lebanese University by a decision of the DSST Dean.


Chapter Six: General Provisions

Article 35

The DSST Administration grants a temporary PhD certificate pending the receipt of the final diploma.


Article 36

The diplomas are issued by the DSST and signed according to the laws and regulations in force at the Lebanese University.


Article 37

Upon the proposal of the Dean, scientific committees shall be established at the DSST by a decision of the President of the University. These committees shall be responsible of the following:

  • The scientific research;
  • The grants and following up their agreements;
  • Developing, organizing and managing research centers;
  • Following up scientific activities and complementary education, and studying the PhD and HDR files and providing feedback thereof.


Article 38

The DSST shall be open throughout the year, except on public holidays and summer vacations identified by the University. Upon the approval of the President and the proposal of the Dean, the DSST may establish a special summer vacation system in order to maintain the work and not to close the research laboratories.


Article 39

This decision shall be implemented as soon as it is promulgated and shall be notified as necessary.


Beirut, 10 December 2012

President of the Lebanese University

Adnan Sayid Hussein