The Faculty of Information adopts curricula in line with the communication revolution and technological development worldwide. The curricula include media sciences, technology, general culture, languages, etc.
The research center at the Faculty includes a department for studies, research and documentation, and a center for media training.
This program allows students to produce professionally sound multimedia, journalistic and media material (photos, videos, graphics, etc.), and to interact online and through social media. It also provides them with the required general culture in terms of political, economic and social sciences, and national and international issues.
The program also focuses on keeping abreast of technical developments and latest changes in journalistic work for students to acquire the basic skills related to the profession as to identifying the different types of journalistic work, its forms and features.
General conditions + Competitive Entrance Exam (CEE)
Field journalism: investigator, reporter, photographer, etc.
Documentary film preparation
Specialized editing on social media (production of relevant materials)
Desktop editing