Professor -
HDR Diploma -
Genetics -
Medical Genetics
Born in Beirut, 1964
Scientific Qualifications
- HDR Diploma from Paris Descartes University in 2000;
- MBA in Business / Health Administration from Saint Joseph University, Paris Dauphine University and Sorbonne University in 2009;
- PhD in Genetics from Paris Descartes University, France in 1997;
- Specialized Diploma in Genetic Diseases from Saint Joseph University in Beirut in 1994;
- Diploma of the Pasteur Institute in Autosomal and Molecular Genetics in 1992;
- Doctor of Medicine from Saint Joseph University in 1990.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the Lebanese University in 2000;
- Head of the Research Department at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the Lebanese University since 2020;
- Head of the Human Genetics Department and Assistant Dean of the Research Center at the Lebanese American University since 2020;
- Lecturer at Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Montpellier 2 University, René Descartes University, and a number of medical centers and laboratories between Lebanon and France;
- Member of the European and American Societies of Human Genetics;
- Founder and President of the Association "Maladies Orphelines Sans Frontieres" in France;
- Director of the Psychological and Educational Medical Center (CEMEDIPP) in Beirut between 2010 and 2019;
- Medical Director of "Al Jawhara" Center in the Kingdom of Bahrain in 2015;
- Member of the Lebanese Academy of Sciences in 2012;
- Member of the Lebanese National Committee for Professional Ethics in 2004;
- First aid volunteer at the Lebanese Red Cross between 1980 and 1987;
- Author of more than 350 research papers published in international peer reviewed journals.