Professor -
PhD -
Enzymatic Engineering, Microbiology, and Biotransformation -
Born in Al Marj - West Bekaa, 1960
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Enzymatic Engineering, Microbiology and Biotransformation from the University of Technology of Compiègne, France in 1991;
- Master of Advanced Study in Enzymatic Engineering, Microbiology and Biotransformation from the University of Technology of Compiègne, France in 1988;
- Bachelor in Life Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences at the Lebanese University in 1986.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Lebanese University in 1994 and Director of the Deanship since 2017;
- Head of the Medical Biology Department at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Lebanese University between 1996-2006 and 2009-2010;
- Member of the Committee for Academic Performance Evaluation and Program Implementation at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Lebanese University in 2000;
- Member and coordinator of the committee responsible for developing programs at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Lebanese University between 2000 and 2004;
- Member of the Technical Committee for Laboratory Equipment at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Lebanese University between 2002 and 2003;
- Teaching Staff Representative of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the Faculty Council between 1994-1996 and 2016-2017;
- Chairman of the Preparation Committee for Accreditation of the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Lebanese University;
- Project Coordinator of (DigiHealth-ERASMUS) - Digital Education Transformation in Medical Faculties at the Lebanese University;
- Lecturer of Immunology at the Faculty of Public Health at the Lebanese University between 2002 and 2004;
- Member of the Scientific Council and the Committee of Natural and Medical Sciences and Research Master Development at the Doctoral School of Science & Technology at the Lebanese University in 2008;
- Member of the Committee for Evaluation of Research Groups and Projects at the Doctoral School of Science & Technology at the Lebanese University in 2008;
- Member of the Self-Assessment Committee at the Lebanese University in 2003;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of a large number of master theses and PhD dissertations for Lebanese University students, including those shared with universities abroad;
- Member of the editorial board and reviewer of a number of international scientific journals;
- Author of two books and dozens of research papers and scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals.