Professor -
PhD -
Applied Mathematics to Human Sciences -
Computational Linguistics
Born in Aitaroun, 1960
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Mathematics Applied to Human Sciences - Informatics Linguistics from the Sorbonne University - Paris 4 in 2000;
- Postgraduate Diploma in Language Engineering & Discourse Analysis from the Institute of Oriental Languages, Paris in 1996;
- Postgraduate Diploma in Communication Sciences from Telesystem Institute, Paris in 1991;
- Diploma in Computer Engineering from Sofia University in 1988.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University in 2003;
- Director of the Center for Language Sciences & Communication in the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University between 2013 and 2016;
- Head of the Literary Research & Studies Center at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences in 2019;
- Head of the Research Team "Translation, Language Sciences & Communication" at the Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences;
- Coordinator of the "Information Management" Laboratory at the Research Center of the Faculty of Information at the Lebanese University;
- Lecturer of Linguistic Informatics at the Paris - Sorbonne University between 1997 and 2003;
- Researcher in "LaLIC Laboratory" at Paris - Sorbonne University since 1996;
- Member of the Administrative Board of the Arab Organization for Translation between 2013 and 2017;
- Member of the founding committee of the International Organization for the Advancement of the Arabic Language – Qatar;
- Informatics Engineer in several French companies between 1992 and 1995;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of master theses and PhD dissertations for Lebanese University students in majors of mechanisms and techniques of language, digital media, automatic search for information, etc.;
- Participated in local and international scientific conferences;
- Author of books and articles published in Arabic, French and English in scientific and media periodicals.