Professor -
PhD -
Architecture/Geography & Urban Arrangement -
City Planning
Born in Beirut, 1959
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Geography/Urban Arrangement from the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne in 1993;
- Master in Architecture from the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University in 1984.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University in 1993;
- Head of the Urban Planning Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University between 2006 and 2015;
- Scientific Officer of the Urban Regeneration Workshop at the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University since 2007;
- Member of the Academic Committee for the Modernization of Programs and Curricula in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University between 1995 and 1998;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Center for Graduate Studies Specialized in Restoration and Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites at the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University between 1998 and 2006;
- Member of the Research & Development Office of the Presidency of the Lebanese University since 2020;
- Author of more than 15 published papers addressing the problem of heritage preservation in Lebanon and urban governance.