Professor -
PhD -
Genetics -
Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology
Born in Lebanon, 1967
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology from Pierre and Marie Curie University in 1995;
- Master of Advanced Studies in Molecular & Cellular Genetics from Pierre and Marie Curie University in 1992;
- Bachelor in Biology from the Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University in 1988.
Professional Career
- Lecturer in Molecular Genetics & Functional Genomics at the Faculty of Sciences (Branch 1) at the Lebanese University;
- Dean of the Faculty of Tourism & Hospitality Management at the Lebanese University between 2013-2014;
- Head of the Biology Department at the Faculty of Science (Branch 1) of the Lebanese University between 2007-2008;
- Head of a number of jury committees for master’s projects and theses at the Faculty of Science of the Lebanese University between 2005-2007;
- Member of a number of committees supervising projects and theses of second-year master’s students at the Doctoral School of Science & Technology of the Lebanese University;
- Member of a number of academic and scientific committees, including the Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science;
- Member of the research committee appointed by CNRS-Lebanon to prepare science, technology and innovation policy in the field of medical sciences and public health between 2002-2003;
- Post-doctoral researcher with a number of international organizations, including the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO);
- Author of more than 50 papers published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals in the field of biological and genetic sciences.