Assistant Professor -
PhD -
Economics -
Role of the state in project investments within developing countries
Born in Idlib, 1955
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Economics from Panthéon-Assas University Paris II, France in 1994;
- Master in Economics from Panthéon-Assas University Paris II, France in 1987;
- Bachelor in Economics from Damascus University, Syria in 1981.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration of the Lebanese University between 1994-1995;
- Director of the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration (Branch 4) between 2015-2018;
- Coordinator of the French Professional Master at the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration between 2014-2019;
- Teaching Staff Delegate of the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration (Branch 4) in the faculty council between 2014-2015;
- Head of the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration (Branch 4) between 2010-2013;
- Member of the Scientific Committee in charge of interviewing and studying the files of new professors at the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration between 2012-2015;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of PhD dissertations and diploma and master theses for students of the Lebanese University;
- Member of the Working Committee on rationalization of the educational financial system related to the Educational Development Project between 2004-2005;
- Author of research published in Arabic and French related to economics, investment and the economies of developing countries.