Assistant Professor -
PhD -
Applied Mathematics -
Statistics & Data Analysis
Born in Tahwitat el Naher, 1954
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Statistics/Data Analysis from Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris 6 in 1983;
- Master of Advanced Studies in Statistics/Data Analysis from Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris 6 in 1978;
- Bachelor in Applied Mathematics from the Faculty of Science (Branch 2) at the Lebanese University in 1977.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Lebanese University in 1985 between the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration, the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Public Health in branches 2;
- Director of the Faculty of Public Health (Branch 2) between 2012-2015;
- Teaching Staff Delegate of the Faculty of Public Health (Branch 2) at the faculty council between 2015-2017;
- Head of the Department of Physical Therapy at the Faculty of Public Health (Branch 2) between 2000-2017;
- Head of the Department of Laboratory Sciences at the Faculty of Public Health (Branch 2) between 1996-2000;
- Coordinator of the Master of Physical Therapy at the Faculty of Public Health between 2012-2017;
- Member of the Selection & Development Committee for the Mathematics & Statistics Program at the Faculty of Medical Sciences in 1984;
- Conducted dozens of trainings, research, and scientific and environmental studies in cooperation with French and Canadian universities and local and international community organizations.