Professor -
PhD -
General Philosophy -
Philosophical Literature
Born in Aley, 1950
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD/First Class in Philosophy from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik in 1977;
- Diploma in General Philosophy in English in 1973;
- Teaching Bachelor Degree in General Philosophy in English from the Faculty of Pedagogy at the Lebanese University in 1972.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 1) of the Lebanese University in 1977 and in Branch 4 in 1980;
- Dean of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Lebanese University between 1996-2000;
- Director of the Institute of Social Sciences (Branch 1) between 1988-1993;
- Dean of the Faculty of Tourism & Hospitality Management between 2000-2005;
- Coordinator of the Lebanese University Law Review Committee commissioned by the university council between 2002-2003;
- Member of the Curriculum Modernization & Development Committees at the Institute of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management for several years;
- Supervisor and rapporteur for PhD dissertations at the Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences;
- Visiting professor at a number of Arab, European and Asian universities;
- Lecturer at the Command and Staff College of the Lebanese Army;
- Founder of the project to shift from intensive tourism to eco-tourism in Lebanon based on his book "Eco-tourism in Lebanon - a field study" in 2004;
- Contributed to the design and organization of tourism and hotel management teaching programs in a number of Arab institutes and universities;
- Head of the Arab Thought Team at the Arab Development Institute / Beirut in 1987, 1988 and 1989;
- Member of the Lebanese Writers Union and Assistant Secretary-General between 1990-1992;
- Member of the Committee for the Reorganization of Higher Education in Lebanon in 2003;
- Member of the Committee for the New Educational Structure in Lebanon / Educational Center for Research & Development in 1997;
- Lecturer in a number of specialized conferences in Lebanon and in Arab and European countries;
- Member of the Sheikh Zayed Translation Award Judging Committee in the UAE for the year 2014;
- Editor-in-chief of the Lebanese "Al-Doha" magazine;
- Author of publications, translated works and dozens of research papers published in specialized scientific journals.