Professor -
PhD -
English Language & Literature -
English Literature & Postcolonial Literature
Born in Sierra Leone, 1967
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in English Language & Literature from the Lebanese University in 2012;
- Master in English Language & Literature from the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University in 2004;
- Bachelor in English Language & Literature from the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University in 1999.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 3) at the Lebanese University in 2004;
- Holder of the rank of professor in 2020;
- Assigned the duties of the Deanship of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences /Lebanese University in January 2024;
- Head of the Department of English Language & Literature at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 3) since 2021 and between 2016-2019;
- Regional coordinator in the Language Coordination Office/Lebanese University since 2021;
- Former lecturer at Jinan University and a number of high schools in the northern region;
- Editor of the Journal of University Studies in Arts & Humanities of the Center for Research in Studies & Humanities (CRESH) since 2019;
- Member of the Curriculum Development Committee at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences/Lebanese University since 2018;
- Member of the PhD Dissertations and Master Theses Proposals Committee at the Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences and the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences/Lebanese University;
- Member of the Faculty Research Committee at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences and the Higher Institute for Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences since 2019;
- Member of the Coordinating Committee for International Workshops in the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of PhD dissertations and master theses at the Lebanese University and other universities;
- Specialized reviewer of manuscripts for the International Journal of Arab-English Studies (IJAES);
- Editor of the International Journal of Arab-English Studies (IJAES);
- Participated in several local and international conferences and workshops, and author of research and studies published internationally in her field of specialization.