Professor -
HDR Diploma -
Physics -
Born in Der El Ahmar, 1979
Scientific Qualifications
- HDR Diploma in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Montpellier, France;
- PhD in Engineering science from the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France in 2007;
- Diploma of Advanced Studies in Science of Materials from the Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University in 2004;
- Bachelor in Physics from the Faculty of Science in 2003.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Science (Branch 2) in 2008;
- Holder of the title of Professor in 2013;
- Director of the Research Center in Nanoscience at the Lebanese University as of March 2024;
- Head of the Physics Department at the Faculty of Science (Branch 2) since 2023;
- Founder and Head of the Research Laboratory (EC2M - Experimental & Computational Materials and Molecules) at the Faculty of Science (Branch 2);
- Researcher in Erasmus Mundus Master Program in Chemical Nanoengineering since 2019;
- Author of papers published in English in international peer-reviewed journals related to physics and materials science.