Professor -
Accreditation to supervise research (HDR) -
Business Administration Sciences -
Enterprise Business Management & Institutional Development
Born in 1955
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Business Administration from Montesquieu University Bordeaux IV in 1999;
- Accreditation to supervise research (HDR) diploma from Montesquieu University Bordeaux IV in 2005;
- Postgraduate diploma specialized in human dynamics and institutional development from Sorbonne University (Evry Val d’Essonne - France) in 1993;
- Certificate of Merit in Business Administration from Saint Joseph University in Beirut in 1980.
Professional Career
- Dean of the Faculty of Tourism & Hospitality Management at the Lebanese University between 2014 and 2019;
- Member of the Scientific Council at the Doctoral School of Law, Political, Administrative & Economic Sciences between 2009 and 2014;
- Visiting professor at a number of French universities and Coordinator of Montesquieu University Bordeaux IV in Lebanon between 2002 and 2011;
- Coordinator of the auditing, administrative control, accounting, international financial and financial policy courses at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - Lebanon between 1996 and 2010;
- Co-author of books on basic accounting and enterprise valuation, financial diagnostics, corporate accounting and financial engineering;
- Participant in a number of conferences and tourism activities, including the launch of virtual tourism for the Bkassine region - South Lebanon within a project funded by the European Union;
- Awarded the Lebanese Presidency Medal - Best Woman Researcher in the Scientific and Cultural Field in Lebanon for the year 2000.