Professor -
PhD -
Architecture -
Historical, Political & Cultural Geography
Born in Achrafieh, 1960
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Historical, Political & Cultural Geography from Paris-Sorbonne University, France in 2013;
- Master in Landscape Design & Natural Sites from the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University in 2008;
- Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture from the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University in 1985.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Agronomy and the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese in 2007;
- Director of the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese since 2021;
- Head of the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture (Branch 2) of the Lebanese University since 2017;
- Head of the Department of Master in Landscape & Landscape Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University between 2012 and 2018;
- Coordinator of the Masters of the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture at the Lebanese University since 2011;
- Member of the Center for Studies and Research Development and Planning (CERDA) of the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture of the Lebanese University since 2009;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of a number of PhD dissertations at the Doctoral School of Humanities & Social Sciences and the Doctoral School of Science & Technology of the Lebanese University in partnership with the University of Poitiers, Gustave Eiffel University and the Higher National School of Landscape (E.N.S.P.), Versailles;
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, Arts & Design at Notre Dame University (NDU) and the Faculty of Arts & Sciences at the American University of Technology (AUST);
- Founder of APPEL (Pluri-disciplinary Landscape Workshop on Local Space), an annual academic studio focused on developing rural landscapes;
- Author of the book "Religion and Geography in Beirut" in 2014 and co-author of "Landscapes and Images in Countries in Complex Crises" in 2019;
- Author of dozens of published scholarly papers and articles focusing on the political landscape and religious geography.