Professor -
PhD -
Arabic Language & Literature -
Novel in Literature - Written Press
Born in Beirut, 1917
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Literature from France in 1955;
- BA in Arabic Language & Literature from Saint Joseph University of Beirut in 1952;
- Graduate of the Teachers' House in 1936.
Professional Career
- One of the founders of the Lebanese University;
- Dean of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences between 1963-1969 and between 1977-1981;
- Dean of the Faculty of Information (Branch 1) between 1976-1978;
- Acting President of the Lebanese University between 1977-1980;
- Director of Secondary education in Lebanon between 1956-1958;
- Secretary of the Teachers' House between 1942-1952;
- Retired in 1981;
- Author of various literary works and a collection of articles published in several magazines and newspapers;
- Awarded the Order of the French Congregation with the rank of Officer and the Order of Merit with the rank of Officer from the Italian Government;
Passed away in New York in 1988.