Professor -
PhD -
History -
Philosophy of History
Born in Haouch El-Harime, West Bekaa, 1959
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in History from the University of Wales, UK in 1990;
- Master in History from the University of Wales, UK in 1987;
- BA in History from the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University in 1982.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Lebanese University in 1991 between the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences and the Faculty of Pedagogy;
- Dean of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences since 2017;
- Member of the Administrative Board of the Lebanese Association for History, the Union of Arab Historians, and the Arab Academics and Scientists Union (AASU);
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Scientific Society of Arab Universities Faculties of Arts - member universities of the Association of Arab Universities;
- Supervisor of PhD dissertations at the Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences of the Lebanese University;
- Author of a number of researches and critical studies on history, education, development and the Lebanese parliamentary elections;
- Participant in local and international seminars and conferences organized by Lebanese and international scientific, academic and cultural institutions.