Assistant Professor -
PhD -
Architecture -
Born in Beirut, 1965
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Architectural Engineering (first class) from Kharkov University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine in 2010;
- Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture from the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture (Branch 2) at the Lebanese University in 1989.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture at the Lebanese University in 1995 and Director of Branch 2 between 2007-2015 and 2018-2021;
- Chairman of the Council of Delegates of the Association of Full-Time Professors at the Lebanese University (2020-2022 session);
- Member of the Lebanese University Council - representing the professors of the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture between 2017 and 2018;
- President of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture at the Lebanese University between 2001 and 2004;
- Member of the Committee for amending and updating curriculums and courses of the Department of Architecture in the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture at the Lebanese University;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of graduate projects in the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture (Branch 2) at the Lebanese University;
- Member of the Order of Engineers and Architects - Beirut in 1991, and VP of Consulting Architects between 2001 and 2004;
- Chairman of the "Organization of Arab Architects" in the Federation of Arab Engineers between 2015 and 2017;
- Chairman of the jury for the Arab Ministers of Housing and Reconstruction Prize Award in the Arab League between 2015 and 2018;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on "Architecture and Technology" at Selcuk University - Turkey in 2012;
- Lecturer, participant and organizer of a group of seminars, conferences, lectures, and international and local workshops on engineering, architectural and historical-cultural topics, including: Architecture Awards Festival 2015, Lebanese Architect Awards Festival 2017 and Arab Architects Awards 2018 - Order of Engineers and Architects – Beirut; - Conference "Tripoli, a City Through History and Transformations - Visions and Prospects" in Lebanon in 2016; - Conference "Spirit of the City - 2017" in Seoul, South Korea, at the invitation of the International Union of Architects (UIA); - The UN COP22 conference entitled "Architecture and Climate Change" in Marrakesh, Morocco in 2016; - Conference on "Architecture and Urbanism in the Arab World facing the Challenges of the Age" in Baghdad, Iraq in 2016.