Professor -
PhD -
Civil Engineering -
Civil Engineering / Bridge Construction
Born in Koura, 1939
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Civil Engineering / Bridge Construction from Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany in 1977;
- Diploma in Civil Engineering / Bridge Construction from Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany in 1972;
- First year at the Faculty of Science of the Lebanese University.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering in 1980 and Director of Branch 1 between 1985 and 1995;
- Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Lebanese University between 1995 and 2001;
- Acting Dean of the Institute of Arts between 2000 and 2001;
- Acting President of the Lebanese University (following the retirement of Professor Asaad Diab) between 2000 and 2001;
- Teaching Staff Representative of the Faculty of Engineering (Branch 1) at the Faculty Council between 1980 and 1985;
- Contributed to developing the Faculty of Engineering curriculums and strengthening relations with French universities, including the École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures-Paris and the University of Technology of Compiègne and with the Higher Engineering Institute at Saint Joseph University and the University of Damascus;
- Lecturer at Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany - Department of Bridges and Roads, and supervisor of graduation projects between 1977 and 1980;
- Member of the Order of Engineers & Architects in Tripoli and North Lebanon (OEA) in 1978, and President for 3 years in 1995;
- Participated in forming the Lebanese Engineers Union, updating the laws of the Order of Engineers and Architects in Tripoli and Beirut, and activating their participation in the Federation of Arab Engineers;
- Participated as organizer, lecturer and member in several scientific conferences between Lebanon, France and Syria, and organized the first exhibition of graduation projects for students of the Faculty of Engineering in Tripoli;
- Author of research papers and publications related to mathematics, civil engineering and communications.