Professor -
PhD -
Immunology -
Molecular Immunology/Human Immunodeficiency
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Molecular Immunology from the Free University of Brussels (ULB) in 2003;
- Master of Advanced Studies in molecular biology from the Free University of Brussels (ULB) in 1999;
- Master in Biochemistry from the Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University in 1996.
Professional Career
- Appointed President of the Lebanese University at the Cabinet session on 12 October 2021, pursuant to Decree No. 8415/22 November 2021;
- Active researcher to develop scientific research and exchange experiences with a number of European universities within programs supported by the European Union and AUF;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of +25 PhD dissertations in cooperation with the most prestigious European, British and American universities since 2010;
- Winner of the Royal Belgian Academy Award in 2007, and the Best Medical Work Award from the British University of Cambridge in 2013;
- Winner of the Scientific Excellence Award in Cancer Diseases from the National Council for Scientific Research/Lebanon in 2015;
- Author of 90 scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals.