Professor -
PhD -
Political Sciences -
International Relations
Born in Minyara, Akkar, 1959
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Political Sciences from Dalhousie University, Canada in 1993;
- Master in Political Sciences from Dalhousie University, Canada in 1987;
- Bachelor in Political Sciences from Saint Mary's University, Canada in 1985.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences in 1994 and holder of the rank of Professor in 2002;
- Dean of the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences since 2013;
- Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration between 2005-2013;
- Lecturer at the Fouad Shehab Command and Staff College (CSC) and at the Military Academy, and Chairman of the Joint Administration for the Master of Strategic Studies between the Lebanese University and the Lebanese Army;
- Former lecturer in four Canadian universities, the Islamic University of Lebanon (IUL), Notre Dame University (NDU), University of La Sagesse (ULS), and Beirut Arab University (BAU);
- Member of the Lebanese Writers Union and the Arab Association for Political Science;
- Author of several books and published research;
- Participant in local and international forums and conferences on legal, political and economic topics.