Professor -
PhD -
Economics -
Economic Development
Born in Beirut, 1971
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Economics from the University of Montpellier, France in 2001;
- Master in Food Industry Economics from the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM-IAM.Montpellier), Montpellier, in 1996;
- Master of Advanced Studies in the economics of agriculture, agro-food and rural development from the National School of Agronomy Montpellier (ENSA), Montpellier in 1996;
- Bacher Teaching Degree in Geography from the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University in 1994;
- Diploma in Agricultural Engineer from Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) in 1994.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Institute of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University in 2001;
- Director of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 4) since 2019;
- Head of the Geography Department at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 4) between 2017-2019;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of diploma and master theses for students of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences and the Institute of Social Sciences, especially on the topics of local development, the economy of organizations and project evaluation;
- Former lecturer at the Faculty of Business & Administration of the Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) - Zahle Branch;
- Author of papers and research studies published in Arabic and French on rural housing characteristics and rural demography in the Lebanese Beqaa, agriculture, agricultural geography and rural development.