Professor -
HDR Diploma -
Law -
Administrative Law
Born in Ablah-Zahle, 1953
Scientific Qualifications
- HDR Diploma from the Faculty of Law at Artois University in 2005;
- PhD in Law - Administrative Law from the University of Paris VIII, France in 1989;
- Postgraduate Diploma in Public Internal Law from Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, France in 1981
- Postgraduate Diploma in Comparative Law from Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, France in 1976;
- Bachelor in Law (French and Lebanese) from Saint Joseph University, Beirut and Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, France in 1975.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences at the Lebanese University in 1991 and holder of the rank of Professor in 2007;
- Dean of the Doctoral School of Law, Political, Administrative & Economic Sciences at the Lebanese University in 2014;
- Director of the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration (Branch 6) between 2010-2014;
- Director of the Faculty of Law and Political & Administrative Sciences (Branch 4) between 2010-2011;
- Translated French works, including “Constitutional Law & Political Institutions” by Maurice Duverger, “The Poetics of Reverie” by Gaston Bachelard, and “Legal Epistemology” by Christian Attias;
- Developer of research projects with the support of the Francophone University Agency (AUF) and lecturer as visiting professor at a number of French universities;
- Added in-depth comments on the decisions of the Lebanese State Council (the magazines of Justice and Administrative Judiciary);
- Author of more than twelve publications and a number of research papers and articles focusing on the role of the administrative judge and the philosophical approach to law.