Assistant Professor -
PhD -
Economics -
International Monetary Economy
Born in Deir El Zahrani, 1957
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in International Monetary Economics from the Faculty of Economics & Management at the University of Picardy Jules Verne - France in 1992;
- Master of Advanced Studies in International Economics from the Faculty of Economics & Management at the University of Picardy Jules Verne - France in 1987;
- Bachelor in Accounting & Finance from the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration at the Lebanese University in 1984.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration in 1992;
- Director of the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration (Branch 5) between 2008-2015;
- Head of the Department of Finance & Financial Institutions at the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration (Branch 5) between 2017-2019;
- Head of the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration (Branch 1) between 2000-2001;
- Headed the Office of Inspection & Administrative Development at the Lebanese University between 2014-2021;
- Coordinator of the Higher Committee for the Development of Programs & Curricula, in charge of developing and following up the new structure of education at the Lebanese University since 2005;
- Assigned to carry out academic and administrative studies, study complaints received by the President from all employees, and prepare and propose mechanisms for developing administrative and academic work at the university between 2018-2021;
- Member of the founding body of the Alumni Club of the Faculty of Economics & Business Administration;
- Founder and President of the Tire Learning Center - Institute of Applied & Economic Sciences at the Lebanese University in partnership with (CNAM-PARIS) between 2004-2006;
- Lecture of International Monetary Relations, Banking Operations & International Finance at the Faculty of Economics & Commerce at the Islamic University of Lebanon;
- Author of studies and research and a joint book with Dr. Hassan Srour entitled "Industrial Development & Social Security in the Arab Countries" issued by New Line Printing and Publishing in Beirut in 2015.