Professor -
PhD -
English Language & Comparative Literature -
Comparative Literature
Born in Tripoli, 1950
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Language & Comparative Literature from Sherbrooke University in Quebec, Canada;
- Master in English Drama/Shakespeare Theater from LAKEHEAD University in Ontario/Canada;
- Bachelor Teaching in English Language & Literature from the Faculty of Pedagogy at the Lebanese University;
- Bachelor Teaching in Arabic Language & Literature from the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences in 1994;
- Director of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 3) between 2003-2007;
- Appointed for a period as Chairman of the Committee on English Language & Literature Curricula at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences;
- Director of the Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences at the Lebanese University between 2012-2014;
- Head of the Scientific Council at the Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences between 2012-2014;
- Central Coordinator of English Language at the Lebanese University between 2007-2011;
- President of the Poetry Association and Chairman of the Independence Committee at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 3) between 1994-2007;
- Headed a number of academic and scientific committees at the Lebanese University, and managed the Research Center at the Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences between 2012-2014;
- Assistant/Advisor to the President of the Lebanese University for Academic Affairs & Public Relations between 2014-2016;
- Supervisor, and rapporteur of PhD dissertations and master theses for students of the Lebanese University in language, teaching methods, English and American literature, and comparative literature;
- Former lecturer and held academic positions at Al-Azm University, Tripoli, Lebanese French University, Tripoli, Jinan University, Tripoli, Balamand University, Lebanese American University, Byblos, Dammam University, King Faisal and King Abdulaziz Universities, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
- Member of a number of editorial committees in specialized academic journals since 2001;
- Author of internationally published literary and poetic studies and articles on comparative literature, English literature, theater and environmental literary criticism in language and literature.