Professor -
PhD -
Chemistry -
Analytical Chemistry
Born in Bwarej, 1948
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Claude Bernard University – Lyon, France in 1978;
- PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the Claude Bernard University – Lyon, France in 1975;
- Postgraduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry from Claude Bernard University – Lyon, France in 1974;
- Proficiency in Chemistry from the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Lebanese University in 1973;
- Bachelor in Chemistry from the Faculty of Pedagogy in 1972.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University since 1978;
- Promoted to the rank of professor in 1983;
- Dean of the Faculty of Science between 1993-2001;
- Assigned the deanship duties of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in 1998;
- Assigned the deanship duties of the Faculty of Public Health between 1999-2000;
- Teaching Staff Representative of the Faculty of Science and member of the Executive Board of the League of Full-time Professors at the Lebanese University for years;
- Delegate of the University Council to the Board of Directors of the University Institute of Technology - Saida between 1996-2001;
- Chairman of the Budget Committee at the Lebanese University for years;
- Adviser to the Presidency of the Lebanese University for financial, administrative and academic affairs for years;
- Chairman and member of academic, administrative and financial committees at the Lebanese University for years;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of dozens of doctoral, master and diploma theses at the Lebanese University and a number of local, Arab and international private universities;
- Chairman of arbitration committees in files belonging to the Ministry of Education & Higher Education, the Council for Development & Reconstruction, and local and international universities;
- Chairman of several committees in the Civil Service Council;
- Founder, member and vice president of “CIRUISEF” between 1993-2006;
- Author of dozens of original scientific research papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Passed away on 31 May 2023.