Professor -
PhD -
Genetics -
Applied Genetics
Born in Ain El Remmeneh, 1955
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Genetics from the University of Birmingham and East Birmingham Hospital, UK in 1985;
- Master in Applied Genetics from the University of Birmingham, UK, in 1981;
- Bachelor in Biology from the Faculty of Science of the Lebanese University in 1977.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Public Health of the Lebanese University in 1988;
- Dean of the Faculty of Public Health of the Lebanese University between 2009 and 2019;
- Director of the Faculty of Public Health (Branch 2) of the Lebanese University between 2007 and 2009;
- Member of the Scientific and Advisory Council of the President of the Lebanese University between 1998 and 2000;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of master thesis and PhD dissertation for the students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Public Health and the Doctoral School of Science & Technology at the Lebanese University;
- Participated in the training of biology teachers in high schools;
- Co-author of the Life Sciences book, Genetics Department, National Center for Research & Development, new curricula;
- Co-translator of the Life Sciences book, secondary education – 2nd year, National Center for Research & Development, new curricula;
- Author of researches and articles published in the medical field, and participated in local and international scientific conferences.