Professor -
PhD -
Life Sciences -
Agricultural Sciences/Plant Protection
Born in Ajaltoun, 1956
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Agricultural Sciences/Plant Diseases from Pierre and Marie Curie University in 1987;
- Degree in Project & Corporate Management from the Association for the Employment of Executives (APEC) in France in 1989;
- Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Sciences from the Paris Nanterre University in 1984;
- Merit in Life Sciences from the Faculty of Science (Branch 2) at the Lebanese University in 1981.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Agronomy at the Lebanese University in 2002 and Dean between 2013-2020;
- Expert with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) since 2003;
- Member of the Euro-Mediterranean Negotiations Committee at Euromed, emanating from the Barcelona Agreements in 2007;
- Director of "DEA agroalimentaire" program at the Francophone University Agency (AUF) in cooperation with the National Institute of Agriculture in France (l’INA-PG) and the Francophone universities in Beirut between 2000-2003;
- Expert with the UN FAO and the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture within the program "Agricultural Development in the Baalbek-Hermel Region" in 2002;
- President of the Lebanese Institute for Social & Economic Development (ILDES) in 2015 after being a member between 1998-2015;
- Member of the UNDP Expert Mission (TOKTEN) and Technical Advisor to the Minister of Economy & Trade in Lebanon in 1996;
- Former lecturer in the University of Balamand, the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, and Alexandria University in Egypt;
- Worked in a number of French and Swiss companies specialized in the fields of financial, engineering and food industrial studies between 1988-1995;
- Author of research papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals on rural development, the economy of mountainous areas, reducing rural migration and sericulture in Lebanon.