Professor -
PhD -
Sociology -
Sociology of Education
Born in Beirut, 1952
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Sociology from Paris-Sorbonne University in 1979;
- Master of Advanced Studies in Sociology from Paris-Sorbonne University in 1976;
- Bachelor in Psychology from the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University in 1974.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Institute of Social Sciences of the Lebanese University in 1980 and Director of Branch 1 between 2003-2007;
- Dean of the Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences between 2014-2016;
- Member of the Supreme Administrative Board for the preparation and development of curricula and programs at the Presidency of the Lebanese University between 2011-2013;
- Director General of the Center for Strategic Studies & Research Documentation in Beirut between 1990-2000;
- Member of the National Education Committee at the Educational Center for Research & Development between 2000-2001;
- Editor-in-chief of "Chou'oun Al-Awsat" magazine between 1998-2000;
- Member of the Supreme Consultative Committee of the Presidency of the Lebanese Republic for the celebrations of the first centenary of Greater Lebanon 2020;
- Member of the Higher Committee of the Ministry of Education to anticipate the situation of education and higher education in Lebanon 2020;
- Supervisor and member of the PhD dissertation committees in a number of Lebanese and French universities;
- Lecturer at the Command and Staff College of the Lebanese Army;
- Member of scientific, academic, and research advisory bodies in Lebanon, Arab and Islamic countries;
- Author of publications and research, and member in several Arab and international conferences on historical and contemporary intellectual, political and cultural issues.