Professor -
HDR Diploma -
Chemistry -
Physical & Industrial Chemistry
Born in Kfar Hatta, 1955
Scientific Qualifications
- HDR Diploma in the field of physical sciences and physicochemical modeling from the University of Upper Alsace, France in 1996;
- PhD in Physical Chemistry & Industrial Chemistry and its application in the fields of industry and energy from the University of Upper Alsace, France in 1985;
- PhD in Pure Mathematics from the University of Upper Alsace, France in 2001;
- Master of Advanced Studies in Chemical Engineering from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lorraine - France in 1982.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Lebanese University in 1996 and Director of the Faculty of Agronomy between 2008 and 2014;
- Director of the Scientific Research Laboratory for Materials, Catalysis, Environmental & Analytical Methods Sciences (MCEMA-CHAMSI) affiliated to the Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University since 1998;
- Co-founder of the Doctoral School of Science & Technology at the Lebanese University, and coordinator of the Central Authority for Scientific Research Administration between 2006 and 2008;
- Member of the Higher Commission for Curriculum Development at the Lebanese University between 2006 and 2009;
- Lecturer at the University of Upper Alsace, France between 1990 and 1998;
- Researcher at the French Research Center between 1983 and 1998;
- Author of six scientific theories related to the science of materials, water, the adhesion of liquids to solids with multiple geometric shapes, and the study of minerals and solids;
- Reviewer in more than thirty specialized international journals, and author of more than 400 original research published globally;
- Chairman and organizer of more than 20 local and international conferences, and lecturer in about 150 scientific conferences in both English and French.