Professor -
PhD -
Pharmacologie -
Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology
Born in Beirut, 1953
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology from Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris VI - France in 1989;
- Master of Advanced Studies in Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology from Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris VI - France in 1986;
- Bachelor in Chemistry from the Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University in 1982.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Lebanese University in 1994;
- Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy between 2014-2017;
- Member of the Internal Self-Assessment Committee at the Faculty of Pharmacy between 2010-2012;
- Member of the Scientific Research Committee at the Doctoral School of Science & Technology between 2008-2013;
- Head of the Department of Biology & Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmacy for several years;
- Coordinator and Professor in M2 - Clinical Pharmaceutical Research & Epidemiology between the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Doctoral School of Science & Technology between 2011-2014;
- Member of the research team of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Epidemiology between the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Doctoral School of Science & Technology between 2011-2017;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of PhD dissertations for Lebanese University students;
- Worked in the Clinical Laboratory/Biochemistry Department at the American University Hospital (AUH) between 1981-1985;
- Performed post-doctoral research in the Departments of "Pathology" and "Biochemistry" at the University of Montreal - Canada between 1990-1994;
- Author of +50 published papers in international peer-reviewed journals on pharmacology, epidemiology, enzymology, clinical pharmacology, biochemistry and gastroenterology.