Professor -
PhD -
Medical Sciences -
Brain & Neurosurgery
Born in Maroun El Ras, 1958
Scientific Qualifications
- MD from the University of Granada, Spain in 1987;
- Diploma in Neuroradiology from the University of Madrid, Spain in 1989;
- PhD in Surgery & Medicine from Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain in 1992;
- Certificate of Specialization in Neurosurgery from Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain in 1993;
- Board Certified in Neurosurgery from the Ministry of Education & Science in Spain in 1993;
- Executive MBA/Healthcare from the American University of Technology (AUT), Lebanon in 2018.
Professional Career
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Lebanese University in 1994;
- Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences between 2020-2022;
- Director and founder of the Neuroscience Research Center of the Faculty of Medical Sciences since 2014;
- Head of the Department of Neurosurgery at the Faculty of Medical Sciences between 2009-2020;
- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences between 2012-2020;
- Founder of 3 scientific master programs in neuroscience, neuropsychology, and neuroimaging, and 3 medical master programs in clinical research and health management, medical ethics at the Faculty of Medical Sciences;
- Innovator of the "Fares Model in Academic Neurosurgery" to describe the evolution of a neurosurgeon with age, time and experience;
- Innovator of the "Fares Classification of Multicentric & Polymorphous Tumors" to classify multicentric glioma lesions based on neuroradiological studies;
- Creator of "Fares Scale for Cluster Munitions & Cluster Bomb Injuries" to assess the functional impairment of cluster bomb victims;
- Chairman and General Manager of Al Zahraa Hospital University Medical Center in Beirut;
- Lebanon's delegate to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts since 2021;
- International Fellow of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons in 2021;
- Fellow of the International College of Surgeons in the United States of America in 2017;
- Fellow of the American College of Surgeons / USA in 2017;
- Elected Fellow of the World Academy of Medical Sciences/Netherlands in 2017;
- Senior Executive Vice President of the World Academy of Medical Sciences since 2017;
- Founder and President of the Lebanese Association of Spine Surgery since 1998;
- Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Neuroscience since 2020;
- Editor of the Neurosurgery section in the Surgical Neurology International since 2018;
- Received the Distinguished Pioneer Award/Outstanding Scientific Achievements from the Lebanese University;
- Received the TWAS Arab Regional Award Building Scientific Institutions from the World Academy of Sciences;
- Author of +130 scientific papers and articles published in international peer-reviewed scientific books and journals.