Professor -
PhD -
History -
Born in Beirut, 1920
Scientific Qualifications
- PhD in History from Fouad I University in Egypt in 1951;
- Bachelor in History from the American University of Beirut in 1943.
Professional Career
- One of the founders of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences at the Lebanese University and headed the Department of History for years;
- Dean of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences between 1971-1977;
- Supervisor and rapporteur of dozens of PhD dissertations and diploma and master theses for students of the Department of History at the Lebanese University;
- Head of the mission of the students of the Makassed Islamic Charitable Society in Cairo between 1945-1951;
- President of the Lebanese Students Union in Cairo between 1947-1951;
- President and founder of the Federation of Lebanese Women Universities between1952-1998;
- Held several positions in some women associations between Lebanon and the Arab world;
- Awarded the National Order of the Cedar, with the rank of Knight in 1992, the rank of Commander in 1999, and the Silver Medal of Merit in 2002;
- Holds an honorary doctorate from Al Imam Al Ouzai College for Islamic Studies in 1983;
- Author of several publications in history;
Passed away in 2002.