Extensive damage in the Rafic Hariri University Campus - Hadath following Israeli aggression
President Bassam Badran inspected the damage caused to some buildings on the Rafic Hariri University Campus - Hadath, following the Israeli air strikes that targeted surrounding civilian buildings on the night of Friday to Saturday, 9 November 2024.
President Badran, accompanied by the head of the campus technical committee, Dr. Ali Al-Husseini, and the head of the Faculty of Science - Branch 1, Dr. Hussein Bazzi, visited the campus, where a number of buildings and laboratories were severely damaged.
President Badran stressed that the Lebanese University, as all of Lebanon, will remain steadfast in the face of the Israeli war machine and will not be deterred by all these attacks from carrying out its academic and community mission, which began a few days ago with distance learning in all its branches and institutes.