The Faculty of Pharmacy celebrates the graduation of its Class of 2024-2025
The Faculty of Pharmacy celebrated the graduation of its class of 2023-2024, at a ceremony held in the conference room of the Rafic Hariri University Campus - Hadath, in the presence of President Bassam Badran, Faculty Dean Dr. Issam Kassab, representatives of security, union and academic agencies, a group of professors, students and graduates' families.
President Badran delivered a speech in which he stressed that the Lebanese University attaches great importance to following the great scientific development in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, and that it contributes positively to this by providing a distinguished scientific service that conforms to quality and accreditation standards.
He added: “The Faculty of Pharmacy has a central role to play in the 2024-2028 plan to transform the university into a productive university, as it is perfectly qualified not only to prepare the skills and studies needed for the development of the pharmaceutical industry, but also to enter the field of this industry with great efficiency, just as the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Technology have done, managing the electronics factory opened at the Pierre Gemayel University Campus - Fanar, in partnership with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International Group, and which has begun production.”
President Badran added: “This confidence in the graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy is due to the efforts made by the teaching and administrative staff to prepare a trained pharmacist capable of coping with local and regional competition. We must not forget, of course, the favor of the parents who have been their children's first line of support”.
President Badran addressed the graduates: “Today, you find yourselves on the threshold of a new stage in your lives. During your years of study, you have shown unparalleled determination to achieve your goals. You now have a great responsibility to your community and your country. You are the hope and the future. With you, the profession of pharmacy will flourish and achieve new feats. So make sure you participate in the ongoing development of pharmacy and healthcare, and invest your knowledge in the development of the pharmaceutical industry and new treatments to improve quality of life. Never forget that science doesn't stop at the borders of your degree; rather, it's an ongoing journey that requires you to constantly learn and develop.
A shield of recognition was then presented to President Badran and a number of retired professors were honored. The celebration concluded with the distribution of certificates to the graduates.